Ou topus 無止境 Comics as Fuel 漫畫源料
No place. Good place. Comics, is such a place. 無這地方。好的地方。漫畫就是這類樣的一個地方。
O1: Comics as Fuel 漫畫源料 By Andio Lai
1st journey to the Ou topus. We will examine a set of classics and references of comics, the sequential art. From history to the theories of the medium, the session gives a brief idea to guide a start of referring comics as ‘’fuel’’ of creative act. Not limited to the comics lovers and artists, it’s a set of knowledge related to the field of drawing, visual communication, storytelling, artistic production, materials researches, etc. The session will also rely on discussion and sharing between participants about the medium.
無止境 第一次旅程。我們會由一些經典及參考去檢視漫畫, 連環藝術。由漫畫媒介的歷史和理論入手,環節將以漫畫作“源料”為概括, 加以引導,至用在創作之上。這些概念不局限於漫畫愛好者及創作人, 它們横跨繪畫, 視覺傳意, 故事敍述, 藝術制作, 資料搜集等。這環節還會進行各位對漫畫的討論及分享。
Date: 6-12-2015 Time: 4:00-7:00pm
Quota: 15
Fee: $40