重新拾練 Re
Wherever. In the Beginning, It Was an Island - an nProjekt Non-Solo of Silvia Renda in association with Florence Lee, Harry Tsang and Elaine Wong
The Listening Academy – Hong Kong 習聽為常
OPEN the BOOK (2): How did I become an animation artist? (Albert Ka-ho Yu) 我如何闖進動畫藝術的世界?(余家豪現身說法)
OPEN the BOOK (1): "Art as Articulation" (Hector Rodriguez) 藝術的發聲和接合:媒體、意義、科技之間
Floating Projects at BOOKED 2024
「看不見的城市」- 物理痕跡、符號、噪音 Invisible Cities: material traces, symbols, noise
Delphinus moves to Aries 海豚座移至白羊座
Andio Lai's solo: "Always Constructing" 黎仲民:《不停建構》
Cinema After Cinema《電 影 後 電 影》新書發佈
Floating Projects Collective 2025