Arts Go Digital: Digital Normal/Video Essay, an on-line video magazine to launch「平地數碼」:多向創作,持續發表,深化「錄像文章」的開發
... ... ... ... ... ... 相信藝術。Believe in art | 相信科技。Believe in human-technology co-agency | 相信溝通、表達、發問 Believe in communicating, questioning and expressing | 此時此地的香港需要融入生活的藝術。Art injects vitality and hope to Hong Kong here and now | 相信藝術對活在當代社會有特殊貢獻,對人文價值信念的拓展有特殊任務;藝術應跨越傳統和建制的牆,讓更多人參與。Believe in art crossing borders and institutional compartmentalization | 科技與人的合作,促使不可能的成為可能,擴大「活」的可能性。Thing-human co-agency. Turn the impossible into possible, stretch our modes of living | 藝術培養細密的感知,對周遭事物見微知著,用藝術的想像力去豐富理性。Artist sensibility: stretched attentiveness, expanded cognition-perception, 在正規藝術史的研究和寫作之外 | 以「庫存」的思維、善用科技,作緩衝和長線的支持 Write a richer, more comprehensive art history of Hong Kong in the future | 強調活動的可延伸性及持續力 Uphold survival and sustainability with concrete means ... ... ... ... ... ...
“These days, sharing thoughts is therapeutic.” 「這些隔離的日子,能與人分享想法是一種療癒。」
Arts Go Digital, the New Normal as a starting point...「平地數碼:多向創作,持續發表」作為起步, D-Normal/V-Essay (Dn/Ve) tracing the Video Essay as tactics for now... 緣著「錄像文章」可尋溯的軌跡找今天的策略 A quarterly on-line video magazine with open-call competition proposed by Linda C.H. Lai in the spirit of participatory art is now experimented through the collaborative effort of the Floating Projects Collective 黎肖嫻的季度網上錄像文章雜誌,由「據點。句點」藝術群體協力推行、發展,以「據點」為支援基地。 D-Normal/V-Essay is an on-line platform with 3 components: an on-line video submission system, an on-line video essay magazine, and an on-line media archive***November 2020 -- June 2021 首發實驗期為 2020年11月至2021年6月
D-Normal/V-Essay #1《平地數碼》錄像雜誌第一期: submission deadline 截稿:2020.12.01 | on-line publishing 上載發表:2020.12.31
***on-line submission platform opens 8 Nov 2020 網上投稿11月8日啟動 *OPEN NOW*
D-Normal/V-Essay #2《平地數碼》錄像雜誌第二期: submission deadline 截稿:2021.02.28 | on-line publishing 上載發表:2021.03.31
D-Normal/V-Essay #3《平地數碼》錄像雜誌第三期: submission deadline 截稿:2021年5月31日 | on-line publishing 上載發表:2021年6月30日

Long-term projection:
FP's Dn/Ve anticipates to serve: (1) future art and cultural historians and (2) trans-regional curators and study creative energies in Hong Kong and to glean great works that may have fallen into the crevices between established art genres and classifications. 長遠來說,這個計劃為了誰?一,為未來寫藝術史和文化史的人;二,為全球的策展人,相信我們建議的這樣的平台會是日後跨國策展人資料搜索的重要來源。Objectives
Artistic Objects 藝術目標:
++ Practice cross-genre, inter/trans-media creation 具體實踐跨界創作分享樂趣 ++ Augment video essay for all 普及錄像作為創作書寫表達分享平台的能量 ++ Integrate artistic expression & reasoning 結合藝術表達與理性思考的陳述Humanities Objectives 人文博雅目標:
++ Practice media education 媒體素養 ++ Encourage articulation and cultivate a transmedia vocabulary 鼓勵發表,互媒跨媒多媒共融 ++ Mutual learning, multi-lateral education 互相教育 ++ Alternative, innovative historiography 另類藝術與日常生活歷史記述科技目標:Technical/Technological Objectives 技術的目標
++ Understand media technology as a user in practice 鼓勵更日常的科技應用,從而認識媒體科技 ++ Experience the affordances of handy, portable, accessible media technology as new modes of communication and being connected with the world 享用輕便、負擔得起的科技,更深入透徹、不受時地環境限制作思想交流 ++ Alternative, innovative historiography preserved by technology 另類藝術歷史記述,輔以科技的運用作靈活長線的保留 ++ An initial experiment to learn and lay down the basics for an online “subscription economy” 「訂閱經濟學」的初步探索