Dystopian Re-Noises Sound & Audio-visual Performance
Dystopian Re-noises - Sound & Audio-visual Performance
「Dystopia」反烏托邦一字,是烏托邦(utopia)的反義語,希臘語字面意思是「不好的地方」(not-good place)。「Noise」可以指電子學,訊號在傳輸過程中會受到一些外在能量所產生訊號的干擾。五位不同的表演單位,為大家帶來反烏托邦的能量聲音,干擾生活的影像表演。(之前因不安因素取消,今次活動再開)
Date:Feb 08, 2020
Location: 九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei
Ticket:自由捐款, Free Donations
Crystal Bug “Crystal Bug”是本地藝術家邱穩基有關音樂及影像的習作。 透過音樂及影像探索空間,流動及感覺意念的藝術家。他希望重組聲音及影像表現空間及時間的關係。
Crystal Bug (Yau Wan Kei) is an artist who work with sound and video in order to explore ideas about space, motion and perception. He wants to reformat sound and video to reflect space and time relationships.
https://soundcloud.com/user-846945102 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3z0VLto7HIJnX7ygqRoK-TILjwpaqFN6
NDO and Wong CHun Hoi NDO ("Next Day Office-hour") - Electronics Folk. Synths, Computer experimental music, & Acoustic Guitar Folk. "明日辦公時間" - 電子民謠。合成器,電腦實驗音樂和木結他。 王鎮海 Wong Chun Hoi 生於1990, 畢業於城市大學創意媒體學院,主修批判性跨媒體實驗室。創作道路尚在摸索中,暫以悲憤作為創作源動力。作品主要涉及聲音和電子零件。視坦白為創作原則,本業處理一切聲音的工作。兼職自由身另類技術支援予藝術家,為「據點・句點」藝工程師,期望跟其他藝術創作相輔相成。互相學習。
Wong Chun Hoi (b.1990) was graduated from the School of Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong in 2012, majored in Critical Intermedia Laboratory. He treats Anger as the temporary initiation of making art. His works mainly involves sound and electronics. being honest and sincere is his basic creative principle. Always working as a sound designer and engineer, also providing alternative technical support to vary artist. Currently working as the artistic engineer in floating projects. He believes that making complement to other art making is an important way to learn art. http://wongchunhoi9.com/
闇之居 Dark Desolation 闇之居 Dark Desolation由兩個結他手組成 ,以Dark Wave,Noise Ambient風格為主。 HongKong Dark Wave & Noise Ambient Band, Sounds from the Dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ651I7Q6Y4&feature=share
Vinc Kwok Vinc Kwok 是位香港音樂人,亦是電子樂隊tl;dl的創辦成員。自2017年起開始作獨立演出,嘗試以噪音、氛圍、低傳真、環境聲音及具體音樂等手法去創作較抽象的音樂。
Vinc Kwok is a hong kong based musician, also the founding member of the electronic group tl;dl. since 2017 he started as a solo live act to attempt a more abstract approach in music including noise, ambient, lo-fi, field recording and electroacoustic. https://soundcloud.com/vinckwok/fr-12-344c
Sky Kung Sky Kung,由shoegaze開始走向ambient 音樂,透過應用結他,合成器和採樣為主要素材,營造不同氛圍 Sky Kung, as guitarist in a shoegaze band. Start to explore ambient music with guitar, synths and field recording over last few years. Playing around with different live sets, expect drone, ambient and noise. https://soundcloud.com/theblackseahk
facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/607189926740868/ Live streaming (from music surveillance) https://www.facebook.com/MusicSurveillance/videos/2267553606878651/ Review from Press release https://www.facebook.com/pressreleasezine/posts/498896161040732