Floating City 2036
Floating City 2036 - Workshop with Sara Kramer and Vibe Overgaard at Floating Projects, Hong Kong, December 2 - 3, 2017 10am - 4pm
In the month of December Sara Kramer (Berlin) and Vibe Overgaard (Copenhagen) will guest Floating Projects as visiting artists. All members of Floating Projects are invited to participate in the workshop Floating City, which will take place on December 2nd and 3rd from 10am - 4pm. Together we will make a LARP (Live Act Role Play) called Floating City.
Background story for the LARP: Floating City is an imaginary city on a fictional island that has appeared in international waters in the year 2021. Our game begins in 2036 when Floating City is already a metropolis. The new settlers think out of the box when finding ways of structuring the city's future. Characters such as "the bank", "the business", "the university", "the worker", "the artist run space", "the politician", "the real estate broker" or "the gallery" form the society of Floating City and interact with one another as the game evolves. Our focus during the LARP will primarily circulate around the realm of art, artists and art institutions and their position within power structures of economy, politics, real-estate etc.
The game will guide us through different ways of relating to issues that we are faced with, when trying to organize ourselves as artists within our given societies. On the workshop's first day Sara and Vibe will give an introduction to their experience with different ways of artistic self-organization. Following, the group will develop the Floating City and its different characters based on our experiences with society we live in today.
On the second day we step into our characters and play the game. There will also be time for further discussion. It is important to mention that prior experience with LARP is not necessary, and if someone wishes to play a small role, or not say much it is completely fine.
On December 15, Vibe and Sara will also have an exhibition at Floating Projects, for which they will use the discussions and outcomes of the Floating City workshop as part of their research leading up to the final work. We hope to see as many of you from Floating Projects as possible! All the best, Vibe Overgaard and Sara Kramer Sign up for the workshop before November 23 at: floatingcity2036@gmail.com
**FPC artist who participated in the collaborative workshop: Hugo Yeung, Wong Chun-hoi, Lee Kai-chung, Linda Lai, Andio Lai