Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser 【香港獨立藝術空間群體籌款活動】
Floating Projects will join 16 other local independent art spaces in a fund drive. In a period of 6 weeks, posters of works by 29 2020Solidarity international artists at HKD400 each will be available on Para Site's Shopify (on-line shop). Please generously support. 「據點。句點」與本地16個獨立藝術空間欣然宣布一項新的籌款活動,以支持香港獨立藝術空間群體。你可以在Para Site 網上商店購買一張(或更多!)#2020Solidarity系列特別版海報。 特別版海報現正發售>> Now on until 21 June.
[14 May 2020] Coordinated and facilitated by Para Site, we are pleased to announce a new fundraiser in support of Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces. In recent weeks, over forty international artists have come together in an initiative entitled 2020Solidarity by Between Bridges project, aimed at helping cultural and music venues, community projects, and other independent spaces that are existentially threatened by the current crisis. The artists designed one special edition poster each, offered on different crowdfunding sites around the world as a reward for donations. In response to this campaign, we have initiated a Hong Kong collective of independent art spaces who could benefit from this campaign.
我們欣然宣布一項新的籌款活動,以支持香港獨立藝術空間群體。過去數週,超過40名國際藝術家參與了由Between Bridges 發起的 2020Solidarity 計畫,以幫助受當下疫情影響的文化及音樂場地、社區項目及獨立空間。參與藝術家各設計了一款特別版海報,用以世界各地的眾籌網站上捐款的回禮。作為對這個計畫的響應,Para Site 集合了共17個可受益於此的香港獨立藝術空間。
The income from the sale of these posters will be equally split between all of the 17 Hong Kong-based independent art and cultural spaces involved to use as they see necessary for their respective organisations, artists, and communities, in response to the threats created by the current crisis. Our collective response to this international initiative will hopefully be the first step in developing longer-term collaborations locally across our institutions.
You can purchase one (or more!) of a selection of these 2020Solidarity special edition posters through Para Site’s shop. All of the sales through our shop will be divided equally between all of the partner institutions listed below. The partner organisations involved have collectively decided to use Para Site’s shop as a platform for these sales, owing to the lower transaction fees charged in comparison to a crowdfunding platform.
你可以在Para Site 網上商店購買一張(或更多!)2020Solidarity系列特別版海報。全數收益將平均分配至下列合作夥伴。由於眾籌平台的手續費較為昂貴,合作機構皆同意以Para Site商店作銷售平台。
Each poster will be offered in exchange for a $400HKD contribution and is size A2 (59.4 x 42 cm / 23.4 x 16.5 in). They are produced in an unlimited edition, but only available for a limited period of time. If you are based in Hong Kong, we suggest that you come and collect them in person at Para Site when they arrive, but if you would prefer to have them delivered, local and international shipping is also available for a small fee. Distribution begins after postal services have returned to normal.
每張海報售價為$400港元,尺寸為A2(59.4 x 42 cm / 23.4 x 16.5 in)。海報並非限量版,但只會作期間限定發售。海報運送會在郵政服務恢復正常後進行。 Between Bridges has organised and printed these posters for Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser free of charge. And Brinks Fine Art Services is supporting the transportation of the posters from Germany to Hong Kong. With thanks to Wolfgang Tillmans, the artists, and Between Bridges. Between Bridges
免費籌辦是次活動及免費印刷海報,以便收益可支持各機構在這充滿挑戰的時期生存。Brinks Fine Art Services承辦本次活動由德國至香港的海報運輸服務。特別鳴謝沃爾夫岡蒂爾曼斯(Wolfgang Tillmans)、各位藝術家以及Between Bridges。
These 2020Solidarity special edition posters in support of the Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser will only be available for six weeks. 籌款活動(網上購買海報)為期六星期,請及早支持。萬分感謝!
| 2020Solidarity special edition posters are available from artists: Tomma Abts, Marlene Dumas, Nicole Eisenman, Stefan Fähler, Isa Genzken, Andreas Gursky, Wade Guyton, Pierre Huyghe, Anne Imhof, Jeff Koons, Jochen Lempert, Glenn Ligon, Sabelo Mlangeni, Ebecho Muslimova, Piotr Nathan, Elizabeth Peyton, Thao Nguyen Phan, Thomas Ruff, Anri Sala, Yinka Shonibare, Thomas Struth, Wolfgang Tillmans, Betty Tompkins, Luc Tuymans, Gillian Wearing, Carrie Mae Weems, David Wojnarowicz with Tom Warren, Ming Wong, Christopher Wool. Partner organisations for this initiative include本計劃合作夥伴: 1983 一九八三工作室 | 1a space1a 空間 | Art & Culture Outreach 艺鵠 | Art Together 藝術到家 | Casphalt 清山塾 | C&G Artpartment C&G 藝術單位 | Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong 現在音樂 | Floating Projects 據點。句點 | Hidden Space | In-situ | Negative Space | Para Site | Play Depot 土炮遊樂場 | Rooftop Institute天台塾 | soundpocket 聲音掏腰包 | Speculative Place | Videotage 錄影太奇