"I dream of wires" 錄像討論會 Video Forum + Spatial Pressure Re-calibration 0.00 空間壓力再測試 0.00
**feature image: Image courtesy of Andio LAI
日期 Date :2020-05-29 (Fri 星期五) 時間 Time :8:00pm - 10:30pm 地點 Venue: Floating Projects (JCCAC L3-06D) *討論會以廣東話進行 Video forum will be conducted in Cantonese, with English simultaneous translation
I dream of wires (2014) | 1h 42min A film by Robert Fattinatto and Jason Amm 簡介:I dream of wires (2014) 是一部講述電子模組合成器 (electronic modular synthesizer) 的記錄片 I Dream Of Wires is an independent documentary about the history, demise and resurgence of the modular synthesizer, featuring interviews with over 100 modular musicians, inventors and enthusiasts, including Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails), Gary Numan, Vince Clarke (Erasure), Morton Subotnick, Chris Carter (Throbbing Gristle), Daniel Miller, Carl Craig, Flood, Cevin Key (Skinny Puppy), James Holden, Factory Floor, Legowelt, Clark, John Foxx and Bernie Krause, as well as manufacturers and modular industry leaders Doepfer, Modcan, and Make Noise. Website: http://www.idreamofwires.org/ imdb : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3636334/ On vimeo demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/idreamofwires … …
Origins of the show
During the inevitable, now easing, social withdrawal of the COVID-19 time, amateur electronic sound lover Wong Chun-hoi was attracted to a moment in the 5th episode of Midnight Gospel watched on Netflix, in which Clancy (voice played by Duncan Trussell) talks about how he's told someone about his own modular synthesizers and their mysterious components... Despite the likely indifference of listeners who don't understand a thing you say, expressing one's obsessions is pleasurable. There is something primitively gratifying about it, says Wong. Driving the modular synth like driving a Ferrai into an unknown planet, he turns it into an unrivalled sound instrument. Unwire... Play with all switches... Exhaust all patch cords for infinite combination of sounds and effects... Blow the horn from the simulator... He fleets the day with bearable lightness. The haunting spirit of sheer playing connects with I Dream of Wires (2014). Articulating what is geeky is important -- thus Wong and FPC members' resurrection of the long rested Spatial Pressure Calibration series, the newly re-born Spatial Pressure Re-calibration 0.00... This event is NOT to turn visitors into geeks who rely on an esoteric vocabulary in order to communicate. In fact, we want everyone to chat from where s/he is. And if you'll manage to catch the warmth of our spirit, we may proceed to the 4-hour long i dream of wires: hardcore edition one day.
疫症退隱好像可暫休一會,本來以為,我這非正行打工仔兼業餘電子音樂愛好者可以免疫於長時間自處(及強逼共處)所引起的困擾。在臨時的逃生口(Netflix)中看了一趟動畫《午夜福音》,第五集中 Clancy (Duncan Trussell 聲演) 提及他曾向某人訴說關於自己的 modular synthesizers -- 對聽者來說也似乎是一個病苦的耳朵轟炸經驗。雖然好奇他如何向人講說自己的那台獨有的神秘機器組合,但也很快腦補到那一面倒的對牛彈琴之中 -- 彈琴人的快樂和牛的無奈。
在自己的太空船,modular synth 作為最奇異的樂器工具,每次駕駛著這部心目中的法拉利去進入某星球,我都習慣把全部線拔掉,單純把玩機器,用永遠不夠用的 patch cord去探索無止境的組合,遊走世界確是一種富有原始快樂的活動。從 simulator 中吹響號角之時,往往有時光飛逝的慼覺。明明是埋頭了一整天,卻什麼都沒有做到似的。 上述玩 modular synthesizer 的活動並不是我自身一個恆常的活動,反而較似是一個冤魂般的興趣,兩年間每次起手拔線都總會令手沾到薄薄的塵。

我本是想嘗試講述自己的那台modular synth 的,卻說了一大堆不解的廢話。回望一直做的創作,總是在學習如何清楚講述某個機器與自己的關係。 FP 幾年來聚合了一群充滿好奇心的即興音樂愛好者,也搞過數十次超級精彩的錄像討論會,才想試試在這裡重新測試一下肺炎後的空間壓力。 討論會來者不拒,我會保證討論會不會進入器材撚的絕對領域。傾完這一次,有機會的話我們一起看4小時的 i dream of wires: hardcore edition

王鎮海 (活動發起人 / 句點藝術群體成員) Wong Chun-hoi (initiator / member of the Floating Projects Collective) 2020-05-12