MANIFESTO #2, open call to videographers 我的錄像宣言#2 徵集作品及個人宣言
OPEN CALL for SUBMISSIONS- 18 May Saturday 5 月 18 日 截止 **EXTENDED** On-line submissions 網上參加表格 | https://forms.gle/TF3fuesG9ZTsMRh17
Videography. Documentary Impulses. Our Manifesto 我們的錄像宣言:記述的衝動
"Not by arguing, but by trying..."
- philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
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The Manifesto series on videography, launched in 2016, is a project initiated by research-based interdisciplinary artist, Dr. Linda Chiu-han Lai, to encourage re-purposing of videography in a time when image-making tools are ubiquitous. Videography highlights “writing” with moving images; and writing asserts the proactive insertion of our subjectivities into our contemporary society of discipline and control. We want to gather self-directed, diligent videographers to have rigorous dialogues and become a theorist of their own practice. The end product will be a book with a DVD set to be published in August 2020.
This call for proposal is essential to gather material sufficient for a publication grant.
《Manifesto #1 – Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifesto》 (140 pages + DVD), fully funded by the HK-ADC, was published in July 2018 by the Floating Projects with the contribution of 8 artists. The book has been distributed to major stores for art and moving images in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The title for Manifesto #2 is《Videography. Documentary Impulses. Our Manifesto》with a focus on our desires to remember and to make a record of what happened, as well as our faith in the magical nature of visual evidence. The bilingual book with DVD will be published by Floating Projects in August 2020.
《我們的錄像宣言》系列是個以創作為研究的項目,於2016年啟動,由以研究主導創作的跨領域藝術家黎肖嫻博士發起。在這個誰都可以造活動影像的年頭,錄像書寫還有獨特意義嗎?作為記述和藝術表達,錄像人要鍛鍊的是那些方面?當影像與監控雙聯掛鉤,我們可以如何在理念和實踐層面上滋養我們獨有的聲音、維護自主,以理論研究、討論及以文字記錄去確立我們的論述和情感空間? 第一輯《我們的錄像宣言:微敘事存在的時間書寫》(2018年7月)由香港藝術發展局資助,共140頁 六小時的錄像作品,由「據點。句點」出版,收錄了8位創作人的宣言、心得和錄像作品。 第二輯的題目為《我們的錄像宣言:記述的衝動》,探索記錄的驅動力,對證據、美、真理或魔法的尋找。第二輯現公開召集錄像書寫人,慷慨述說,以作品和宣言去擴大錄像的行動性。「記述的衝動」是攝影、視像的最基本的內涵活力。徵召得來的錄像,將全部公開放映,入選宣言作品將收為160頁的第二集專輯,作為出版計劃申請的手稿,最終以中英對照發表於《我們的錄像宣言:記述的衝動》、書籍包括DVD作品集,計劃於2020年8月由
Floating Projects出版。 Objectives of MANIFESTO project series:
1. To collect videography with distinct purposes in order to uphold openness of this creative activity.
2. To gather videographers to articulate the principles and beliefs of their practice in the form of a manifesto.
3. To share, with practitioners and lovers of moving image in general, works with an experimental attitude, without falling back onto a presumed, singular style; and
4. To engage videographers in rigorous research, mutual critique and purposeful creation.
3.與錄像創作者和同好,分享以實驗態度工作,拒絕跌回單一、既定風格; 和
***The Manifesto #2 team 宣言#2團隊: Dr. Linda C.H. LAI 黎肖嫻博士 | Elaine WONG 黃淑賢 | Emilie Sin-yi CHOI 蔡倩怡 | Winsome WONG 黃慧心
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Code Name “Micro Narratives”: initiations into our Manifestos 《行動代號「微敘事」。宣言的啟動。》: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/art-not…/code-name-mn/
“Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifestos” -Book Launch | 「我們的錄像宣言:微敘事。 存在的時間書寫。」- 新書發佈會: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/events/videography_micro_narratives_temporal_beings_our_manifestos/