OPEN the BOOK (2): How did I become an animation artist? (Albert Ka-ho Yu) 我如何闖進動畫藝術的世界?(余家豪現身說法)
Albert Yu's own personal commentary on an interview he did with Linda Lai some years ago, recently published as a manuscript selection for animation research Elemental Dynamite. This is the 2nd “open the book(s)” events by Floating Projects after BOOKED 2024.
Post-BOOKED forum @ FP (2)
15 September (Sunday): 3:00 - 5:00pm at Floating Projects
Albert Yu in person 余家豪現身說法
A conversation with YU Ka-ho (Albert Yu)
How did I step into animation art and what lies ahead?
+++ suggested donation at entrance: HKD80 (contribution to the speaker's fees, including drinks and simple snacks 建議入門捐贈:港幣80元(支助講員費,包括飲料和小食)+++
Please also consider OPEN the BOOK (1): “Art as Articulation: art, meaning, and technology” by Hector Rodriguez, 14 Sep 2024 [… …]