現在進行 | Present Continuous - 黃福權個人展覽 | A Solo Exhibition by Wong Fuk-kuen
[FP members’ solo series 據點成員作品發表系列] 展覽日期 | Exhibition Period:
2016.08.20 (Sat) - 2016.09.03 (Sat)
--- 我經常問:在還是不在?在可能是不在,不在也不一定是不在。 捕捉這一種在的狀態像是一種使命。 透過裝置、即興及演出,我描述了一些微型狀態,請打開感觀,把經驗放大成為你腦海中的短暫新世界。 This is a question I always ask: being or not? While being might just be an appearance, not-being does not necessarily imply non-being. To capture the state of being seems a lifelong pursuit for me. Free up your senses. Through the micro states of being I illumine through my installation and improvised performance, I invite you to magnify your perceptual experiences to find a fresh, though short-lived, world of amazement. --- 開放時間 | Opening Hours: 2:00pm - 8:00pm (逢一休 | Closed on Mondays) 展覽地點 | Exhibition Venue: 據點・句點 Floating Projects 香港黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室 | Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road 首個周末:展覽開幕 | Opening Reception 2016.08.20 (Sat) ,5:00pm-7:00pm 第二個周末:聯合導賞團 | Crossover Guided Tour 2016.08.27 (Sat), 3:00pm-6:00pm 名額 | Quota:12人 報名 | Registration:fukkuen@gmail.com 詳情 | Details 黃福權會與同期在黃竹坑舉辦個人展覽的藝術家曾家偉一同組成導賞團,帶大家探訪黃竹坑兩個鄰近的藝術空間-據點。句點及刺點畫廊,並為兩個展覧各自作導賞。 In good coincidence, Eason Tsang Ka Wai from Blindspot Gallery will form a crossover guided tour with Wong Fuk-kuen, as both are having their solo exhibition in Wong Chuk Hang. They will lead a guided tour to their exhibitions in their venue, at Blindspot Gallery and Floating Projects respectively. http://www.blindspotgallery.com/tw/exhibitions/current/powerless 第三個周末:閉幕演出及分享圈 | Closing Performance & Conversations 2016.09.03 (Sat), 7:00-8:15pm --- 四件展出作品 | 4 Artworks in Exhibitoin : 1) 旋轉-石頭-單聲調 | Spinner-Stone-Monotone (聲軌 | Soundtrack) 以簡單物件作即興演出,錄音長1分16秒。 A recorded improvisation with simple objects, 1’16” in duration... 2) 軌道空間 | Track in the Air (聲音裝置 | Sound Installation) 聆聽消失點。軌道上的小圓珠把你帶到另一條軌道上。 A little metal ball takes you all the way to the end point of the track as you focus on listening to its precarious slide. 3) 臨界領域 | Into (裝置 | Installation) 面對不可抗拒的引力及撲面的阻力,僵持在臨界的領域,靜止中潛伏著撕裂的張力。 Arriving at the threshold with a tearing tension towards a field of the irresistible yet unreachable, where stillness swells boundlessly. 4) 飛行物件 | Transcending Object Live (表演 | Live Performance) * 發出白噪音的飛行物件以不同形態及速度環繞着觀眾打轉,衍生了一道無形但滿載能量的場域,短暫分裂出一道以不同邏輯運行的空間。 A flying object emitting white noise will surround the visitors… Spinning in motion of varied speeds and paths, it creates an invisible momentum that shapes the space in its way. *在閉幕日演出 | closing performance on the ast exhibition day --- 簡歷 Biography 福權於2012年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,關注影子及空氣濕度,喜歡颱風的温暖,並開始了解一切內在的巨大矛盾,期望能分裂成早間與晚間卻能整合為一的人。好像有些創作是必需的,有些則不然。 Fukkuen graduated from the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong, in 2012. He is attentive to shadows and air humidity and loves the warmth of a typhoon. He has started to understand the many contradictions within matters and wishes a day-vs-night split in his character may after all integrate into a wholesome person -- just as for certain things he feels compelled to create, and yet not necessarily always. fukkuen.com