Relentless Animation Jam 即興實驗動畫工作坊
活動取消! Event Cancelled!
1. 動畫接龍1 (畫面)--- 12/11/2019(星期二) 19:30 – 21:30 每人繪製一個畫面,這個畫面是你動畫的第一幀,同時是下一個人的最後一幀,內容自由發揮,到最後將各人的動畫串連一起,看看會產生怎麼樣的火花。
2. 動畫板塊 --- 16/11/2019(星期六) 14:00 – 17:00 將畫面分成多板塊,每人取一個板塊并在連接點畫上記號,內容自由發揮,將所有動畫拼接在一起播放。
3. 動畫接龍2 (動作)--- 19/11/2019(星期二) 19:30 – 21:30 每人選擇一個方向,內容自由發揮,最後以不同的方式組合動畫,試看有什麼不同的視覺效果。
4. 動畫詩詞 --- 23/11/2019(星期六) 14:00 – 17:00 選擇一首詩詞,每人取一小段落,按照詩詞內容衍生動畫,方式任意,最後按詩詞排列拼接播放。 完成的作品會在當天工作坊後展示及在網上分享。
地點 : Floating Projects 據點。句點 地址 : 九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D (港鐵石硤尾站C出口,步行約5至8分鐘) 名額:每節15人(先登記先得,額滿即止) 費用:入場無須付費,請踴躍捐獻 工具:場地提供普通A4紙張和少量種類的顏料,如有需要可自備顏料
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/780216079080752/
*參加者需在手機下載任何製作定格動畫的APP,如:Stop Motion Studio, Stop Motion Maker, Onion Cam2
***參加者如果偏好製作電腦動畫,可自備手提電腦。 >>立即登記 ! Registration NOW! https://forms.gle/gTkUpujSWd2pNSBVA
查詢: linca.chan1995@gmail.com / 9531 2619 (Linca)
Relentless Animation Jam Differ to storytelling animation, purely derived from aesthetic and creativity, in total of four animation workshops leading to explore the limits of improvised animation. Whether you are an animation beginner or a hardcore animator, you are welcomed to meet people with the same interest and let your creativity explode.
The content of the four workshops are as following:
1. Animation Relay (Picture) --- 12/11/2019(Tue) 19:30 – 21:30
Every person draws a frame, this would be your first frame and the last frame of someone else’s, you can let your creativity flows freely for what’s in between, in the end we will put everyone’s animation together and run as a loop.
2. Aniamtion Panels --- 16/11/2019(Sat) 14:00 – 17:00
Divide the screen into different panels, every person takes a panel and marks on the connecting point, go free for the content, and see how it looks when everyone’s works are put together.
3. Animation Relay 2 (Movement) --- 19/11/2019(Tue) 19:30 – 21:30
Every person picks a movement, animates according to the movement, we will put everyone’s work into different combinations and see what kind of impact it has among the audience.
4. Animated Poetry --- 23/11/2019(Sat) 14:00 – 17:00
Pick a poem. Every person takes a small paragraph, animates accordingly in whatever way you can. Put the sequences together in the order.
Finished work will be screened right after the workshop and shared online. Venue: Floating Projects 據點。句點 Address: L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) No.30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong Quota:15 person per session (RSVP) Fee: Free admission. Donation Appreciated. Tools: We provide A4 paper and some pigments, you are more than welcomed to bring your own creative medium.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/780216079080752/ >>立即登記 ! Registration NOW! https://forms.gle/gTkUpujSWd2pNSBVA
*Participants will need to download any stop motion app on their smartphones (e.g. Stop Motion Studio, Stop Motion Maker, Onion Cam2 etc.)
**Participants are not required to have experience in animation field.
***Participants can bring their laptops if computer animation is preferred.