From WCH Assemblage to SKM Assemblage: new leaf turned today 石硤尾新頁,再來聚疊
「據點 2.0」打開門:開幕馬拉松 FP 2.0 Kick-off Marathon
表演 Performance: 星期日 2018年9月23日,下午2:30至5:30 | 2:30-5:30pm, Sunday, 23 September 2018 SKM 聚疊演出 | SKM Assemblage 那是「據點。句點」發展出來的一種遊戲。 聚疊的參與者會運用隨處拾到的物件,在有限的時間內,即場進行創作,過程中可以互相介入但必須尊重對方。 展場變成一個原始的實驗空間,而演出則令展場成為場境,作品成為器具的變異,也是參與過聚疊遊戲的藝術家珍而重之的一個嘗試。這次由黃竹坑轉到石硤尾的聚疊演出,是另一個有點懷念,卻又期待變化的新習慣開端。 策劃:黃福權@FPC SKM Assemblage. The "Assemblage" is a unique way of playing developed by the Floating Projects. Participants in an assemblage move around objects they glean and collect in a certain area. Within a set time-frame, they improvise on the spot to create a work together as a performance in process. Participants are supposed to intervene with one another's activities but must do so with respect. An exhibition site thus becomes a primitive space for experiments. Performances turn the exhibition site into a scene or situation; objects are subject to transformation through exploring their variability as instruments. This is all what previous "players" have tried out and cherished. In FP 2.0, we migrate from Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) to Shek Kip Mei (SKM). It is perhaps out of a bit of indulgence of the past, and yet we look forward to invented new measures, new frameworks, and new practices. Organized by WONG Fuk-kuen, with Stanley SIN and YIP Kai-chun