Talkover/Handover 2.0 廿年回歸前後話 -【討論會/工作坊#4 Zoie Yung 與 勞麗麗 】〈酒花〉討論會- Don't worry, be hoppy!
【討論會/工作坊#4 Zoie Yung 與 勞麗麗 】
〈酒花〉討論會- Don't worry, be hoppy!
Zoie Yung 與 勞麗麗相信酒精能在藝術勞動帶來更多創意、生產力,藝術創作不只停留於埋頭獨自創作,而藝術圈的開幕酒會、社交活動更能促進創作。公開討論會將開展有關酒精與藝術勞動的討論:從酒神的故事、藝術與酒的配搭、到開幕酒會之煉成、和品酒議論如何成為作品或展覽的延伸等,逐一細談。
日期/時間:5月28日(週日)3-6 pm
主持:Zoie Yung、勞麗麗、張嘉莉(〈廿年回歸前後話〉工作小組成員)
詳情► http://www.aaa.org.hk/Programme/Details/906
Discussion: 'Don't worry, be hoppy'
Zoie Yung and Lo Lai Lai believe that alcohol can help boosting creativity and productivity in art. Art should not be made in solitude; exhibition openings and social activities in the art circle are sources of creative inspirations. The current session will discuss the relationship between alcohol and art labour, by starting with the story of Dionysus (the God of Wine), the selective pairing skill of wine and art, the art opening events with alcohol beverages and then how to develop wine tasting and alcohol consumption to be a meaningful extension of artworks and art exhibitions.
All are welcome, no registration required!
Date/Time: 28/5/2017 (Sun) 3-6pm
Moderators: Zoie Yung, Lo Lai Lai, Clara Cheung (Working group member of Talkover/Handover 2.0)
Venue: Floating Projects 據點。句點 (Room 8D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang)
As researchers-in-residence at Asia Art Archive from May to September 2017, Hong Kong Art Research Initiative activates the Ha Bik Chuen Archive as a resource that inform discussions and workshops of ‘Talkover/Handover 2.0,’
Details► http://www.aaa.org.hk/TalkoverHandover
圖像來源 Photo Credit: http://gph.is/2bk5GnC #TalkoverHandover2017 #HKSAR20 #十年 #廿年 #AsiaArtArchive#HaBikChuen