「因歌而鳴。」"The bird sings, for it has a song." Open door event on sonification and vocalization
Floating Projects 據點。句點 and 現在音樂 Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong in partnership: Sonic Transmission, a Double Solo
“A bird does not sing because he has an answer. He sings because he has a song,” said Joan Walsh Anglund. Andio Lai, Annisa Cheung and Chin-yin Chong unfolds the forking paths of their desires for sounds.
藝術家 | Artist: 黎仲民 | Andio Lai & 張靜瑜 | Annisa Cheung
策展人 | Curator: Chin-yin Chong | 張瀞尹
日期 | Date: 31. 1. - 21. 2. 2021 (星期一休息 | Closes on Monday)
時間 | Time: 1400 - 2000
聲音無處不在。我們很早已接觸與使用聲音,然而越要使其產生意義,越需要認識它的複雜性與多元性。聲音藝術與研究涵蓋諸多類型,藝術家各有對其創作或實驗的關注與追尋,聲音藝術始終難以被定義。Joan Walsh Anglund 的詩句寫道:「鳥兒鳴唱不是因為知道答案,而是因為有歌要唱。」鳥因歌而鳴,自然的反應並不一定為了一個解答而存在,而是源自內在的想望,同樣的,聲音多變的樣貌因為熱衷者的理念與堅持,才能持續被發掘與被聽見。是次展覽呈現黎仲民、張靜瑜這兩位現在音樂2019/20年度聲音傳輸交流藝術家的計畫,以雙個展形式呈現他們對聲音不同的觀察與研究方向。
Sound is ubiquitous. To produce meaning through/with sound is another issue. To attempt this is to engage with sound’s complexity, and its diversity. Under the banner of sound art, and out of the variety of topics that sound studies have explored, artists have forged many divergent and individualistic paths, while sound art’s definition continues to be held in suspension. In the beautiful words of Joan Walsh Anglund: “A bird does not sing because he has an answer. He sings because he has a song.” Similarly, the sound artists’ forking paths are forged not in service of answers but arise out of desires. It is the faith and tenacity of the explorers that allows new sounds to be found and heard.
This duo solo exhibition presents the different research directions and observations in sound by Andio Lai and Annisa Cheung - the artists selected for Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong's "Sonic Transmission Artist Exchange Programme 2019/20"