TongLau Space October 19 Residency Artist Exhibition Éanna Mac Canna Solo - Revisit 唐樓 十月駐留藝術家個展-重訪
TongLau Space October 19 Residency
Artist Exhibition Éanna Mac Canna Solo
- Revisit 唐樓 十月駐留藝術家個展
-重訪 Presented by /主辦 - TongLau Space唐樓 Spacial Support/空間支援
- Floating Projects 據點。句點 Exhibition Period 展期 15-23/10 2019 Opening Hours 時間 2:00 - 8:00 pm Closes on Monday 星期一休息 19/10 (Sat) Reception 接待 2:00 - 3:00pm Sharing Section 分享會 3:00 - 4:00pm | Venue/ 地點 - Floating Projects 據點。句點 L3-06D, Jockey Cub Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D 香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號
About Artist
Emerging Irish Artist, Éanna Mac Cana (b. 1998), uses video and installation to explore themes of the everyday imbued with a deeper personal significance. A sudden sense of loss and identity are key themes within the works, as he explores both physical and psychological boundaries.-- 愛爾蘭新興藝術家ÉannaMac Cana,(生於1998年)他使用錄像和裝置來探索充滿深厚個人意義的日常主題 。當他探索身體和心理的界限時,突然的失落感和身份感是作品中的關鍵主題。
Video Work 重訪 Revisit by Éanna Mac Cana During the summer of 2017 Éanna Mac Cana was diagnosed with a serious illness which led to intense hospital treatment. After being discharged from hospital he began to make and exhibit work in response to this. Mac Cana’s work takes shape in themes of mortality, faith, loss and superstition rooted in family history and old Irish customs. Revisit is a selection of staged and spontaneous scenes Mac Cana has produced between 2017 and 2019. Some enacted close to the hour of death. This video work is interlinked and fractured by the memories and nightmares of hospital and the imagined realities that begin to emerge. Featured in this work is a Caoineadh (Keen). An Irish custom to lament the deceased.
在2017年夏天Éanna Mac Cana被診斷患有嚴重的疾病以致他住院就診。出院後,他開始以創作和展覽回應這經歷。Mac Cana的作品以家族歷史和古老的愛爾蘭習俗對死亡、信仰、失去和迷信為基礎來構成主題 。 “重訪”是Mac Cana在2017至2019年之間製作的一系列自發性舞台場景,部份是臨近死亡時候的場景。這段錄像作品是始於醫院的記憶和噩夢,是想像與現實交織而成的。 這作品的特色是以愛爾蘭哀悼死者的風俗“Caoineadh” 作表現手法。