Video Manifesto 2 artists meeting up in 4 on-line workshops 「錄像宣言2」創作者在線工作坊
2020.03.17-18, 04.04. 04.11 Video Manifesto 2 artists meeting up in 4 on-line workshops 「錄像宣言2」創作者在線工作坊
A year ago, Manifesto 2's open call attracted several dozens of artists' video and writing submissions to respond to the question of "documentary impulses" in videography. In March and April this year, with the support of an ADC project grant, the selected artists will meet on-line in 4 workshop sessions from round the world, including Hong Kong, Seoul, various cities in the US, Germany and the Netherlands. From their own orientations, they delve into the process, methods and reasonings of their artistic creation, extending these elements to their embrace of art as living in general. 去年春天「錄像宣言2」公開徵召藝術家和他們的錄像作品,打開「記述的衝動」。一年過去了,香港藝術發展局的資助令我們再向前踏出下一步。三十幾為創作者於2020年3月和4月在四次在線工作坊中進行研討,在各自的座標上深入切磋不同的創作方法以至藝術作為生活的胸襟。在線的對話連結了身處香港、韓國、台灣、美國、德國、荷蘭的錄像人。 MANIFESTO 2 team members: Winsome Wong, Sin-yi Emilie Choi, Elaine S.Y. Wong & Linda C.H. Lai 「錄像宣言2」團隊:黃慧心、蔡倩怡、黃淑賢、黎肖嫻
Manifesto 2: Artists' On-line Workshop 1 (moderated by Linda Lai)
Time: Mar 27, 2020 06:00 PM Hong Kong
Artists: Wu Jiaru, Wong Hei-wa黃曦嬅, Wong chung-yan黃頌恩, Yan Wai-yin 忻慧妍, Dorothy Wong 黃加頌
Manifesto 2: Artists' On-line Workshop 2 (moderated by Winsome Wong)
Time: Mar 28, 2020 03:00 PM Hong Kong
Artists: Sam Chan (Chan Hin-chung) 陳顯宗, Au Man-kit (Eddie)區文傑, Yung Tsz-hong (Daniel) 翁子康, Lam Wing-sze 林穎詩, Wong Hiu-ching (Sasa) 黃曉晴, Chan Siu-lung (Ryan) 陳小龍, Zheng Tianyi 鄭天依, REICHRICHTER (Rebekka Reich & Marcus Vila Richter)
Manifesto 2: Artists' On-line Workshop 3 (moderated by Emily Choi)
Time: Apr 4, 2020 03:00 PM Hong Kong
Artists: Yu Wing-yan 余穎欣, Natalie A. Chao 趙芷妮, Chan Ka-wan 陳嘉韻, Aurora Trip Sitter 極光導賞團, Lai Chun-ling 黎振寧, Wong Pak-hang 黃百亨, Esther Lam (Lam Yuen-ching) 林琬晴, Ittiteerarak Weera It 張國樑, Selina Lo (Lo Kin-kwan), Blue Button 藍釦子, Don Tsang (Tsang Tak-hei) 曾旭熙, Bobby Chan-CHAN 陳品陶, Duckcrow 溫金金
Manifesto 2: Artists' On-line Workshop 4 (moderated by Elaine Wong)
Time: Apr 11, 2020 11:00 AM Hong Kong (date subject to further confirmation)
Artists: Esther Man文雅樂, Aurelia Giovanni Laksmana, Marvin Hauck, Zach McLane, April Lin 林森, Silas Fong方琛宇, Xizi “Cecilia” Hua, Susan Lin, Winsome Wong 黃慧心, Elaine Wong 黃淑賢, Linda Lai 黎肖嫻, REICHRICHTER (Rebekka Reich & Marcus Vila Richter)
You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in auditing our discussion on-line via Zoom: lailindach@gmail.com
'Manifestos' are meant to be entrusting the right of articulations into the hands of the participating artists. We want our voices to be heard, be they murmurs, stammers, bold assertions, lyrics and poetry, hypothesis or sheer vocalization. Our Manifestos project highlights multiplicity; it aspires independent thinking and individuated articulations; it aspires character, courage, imperfection without losing self-respect, and self-affirmation with a dose of humbleness, enough to sustain exchange and to accommodate differences.
-- Linda Lai
Posts (ARTNOTES) on this event: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/art-notes/documentary-impulses-conversations-01/
ABOUT VIDEO MANIFESTO 《我們的錄像宣言》系列是一個聚焦於創作的研究項目,於2016年啟動,由以研究主導創作的跨領域藝術家黎肖嫻博士(申請人)發起。在這個誰都可以創造活動影像的年頭,錄像書寫還有其獨特意義嗎?作為記述和藝術表達,錄像創作者可以從哪些方面鍛鍊自己?當影像與監控雙聯掛鉤,而不同影像亦在資訊氾濫的洪流中種充斥我們的生活,我們又可以如何在理念和實踐層面上滋養我們獨有的聲音、維護自主,以理論研究、討論以及文字記錄去確立我們的論述和情感空間? The Manifesto series on videography, launched in 2016, is a project initiated by research-based interdisciplinary artist, Dr. Linda Chiu-han Lai, to encourage re-purposing of videography in a time when image-making tools are ubiquitous. Videography highlights “writing” with moving images; and writing asserts the proactive insertion of our subjectivities into our contemporary society of discipline and control. We want to gather self-directed, diligent videographers to have rigorous dialogues and become a theorist of their own practice.
第一輯《我們的錄像宣言:微敘事存在的時間書寫》(2018年7月)由香港藝術發展局資助,共140頁6小時的錄像作品,由「據點。句點」出版,收錄了8位創作人的宣言、心得和錄像作品。 Manifesto 1 :《Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifesto》 (140 pages + DVD), fully funded by the HK-ADC, was published in July 2018 by the Floating Projects with the contribution of 8 artists. The book has been distributed to major stores for art and moving images in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
第二輯《我們的錄像宣言:記述的衝動》,探索記錄的驅動力,對證據、美、真理或魔法的尋找。第二輯現公開召集錄像書寫人,慷慨述說,以作品和宣言去擴大錄像的行動性。「記述的衝動」是攝影、視像的最基本的內涵活力。 Manifesto 2:《Videography. Documentary Impulses. Our Manifesto》with a focus on our desires to remember and to make a record of what happened, as well as our faith in the magical nature of visual evidence. The bilingual book with DVD will be published by Floating Projects in late 2020.
Related posts 相關閱讀: Code Name “Micro Narratives”: initiations into our Manifestos 《行動代號「微敘事」。宣言的啟動。》: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/art-not…/code-name-mn/ “Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifestos” -Book Launch | 「我們的錄像宣言:微敘事。 存在的時間書寫。」- 新書發佈會: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/events/videography_micro_narratives_temporal_beings_our_manifestos/