WCH Assemblage #3: Jeng Wo |黃竹坑聚疊(三):堅砌
WCH Assemblage #3: jeng wo | 黃竹坑聚疊(三):堅砌
2015.11.29 - 2015.12.13 / 12 - 8pm (Closed on Mondays) / Floating Projects (Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang) 據點。句點 (黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室)
LIVE PERFROMANCE 現場演出 | 2015.12.12 (Saturday 星期六) 8:00pm 晚上八時正 @Floating Projects 據點。句點 | entry donation: $50 (with 1 drink) 入場捐獻:$50 (連一杯飲品)
I don’t know if this could be called an exhibition
let’s better stay away from terms as such…
Completed by several artists within half a day
No theme, plan or other concerns (yet with a sure tone)
We started with disposed materials found in Wong Chuk Hang (WCH)
Call it re-cycling/re-using waste as you may but that is not our main purpose
Rather — an intense artistic moment of free improvisation with found objects
Straightforward, no intentions for decors
Sincere, without pretensions
Serious assemblage
... and we discovered a piece of sky behind the main door
– Wong Fuk Kuen (initiator of WCH assemblage #3), 29th Nov, 2015
我也不知道這算得上展覽或不 還是避開這個用詞 這是幾個藝術家用上半天砌出來的事 沒有所謂主題,計劃,或者其他考慮 (調子還是有的) 我們從黄竹坑和身邊的廢棄物開始 最重點不是棄物利用 而是即興性的強烈創作狀態 不加修飾的直接率真 沒有說謊的空間
堅砌 然後發現走後門看見天空很快樂
- 黃福權/黃竹坑聚疊(三) 發起人 / 據點。句點藝術家 - 2015年11月29日
Participating Artists 參與藝術家
Cheuk Wing Nam 卓穎嵐 (http://www.evilagnivv.com/)
Cheung Choi Sang, Samson 張才生 (http://cheungchoisang.com/)
Sin Wang Hon, Stanley 冼宏瀚 (https://www.facebook.com/stanleysininfo)
So Man Wa, Arabii 蘇曼華 (https://vimeo.com/channels/arabiiphoenix)
Wong Fuk Kuen 黃福權 (https://vimeo.com/user9026430)
Wong Ho Yi, Crystal 王澔兒
YIP Kai Chun 葉啟俊 (http://yipkaichuns.com/)