In the 3rd of his 10-part essay, Elliott Wan accounts for 5th-generation Hidden Agenda’s encounters to profile the shape of localism this live-house project has illustrated. 從 Hidden Agenda 衍化為 This Town Needs,2008-2020 並不是香港獨立音樂的完結篇。新冠肺炎從天而降,或是另一種生機的萌發。
How has HK’s independent music arena grown and sustained itself? What specific shape has localism taken since 2009? In the second of his 10-episode essay, Elliott Wan accounts for Hidden Agenda’s five-time threat of closure, which ironically was the result of an attempt to “(re-)vitalize” under utilized industrial space. 正是「活化」的果效,充滿活力的 Hidden Agenda 經歷了5次的關門。