Armed Paper, Tech/Art Jetso - Workshop Series #1 : Website (build from scratch) workshop for artist 2019 《技藝開倉 思想武裝》 工作坊系列 (一)藝術家個人網頁編寫入門 2019
日期 Date:2019-11-17 (星期日 Sun) 時間 Time :2pm - 5pm 地點 Venue:據點.句點 Floating Projects 工作坊導師 Workshop leader: 黃福權 (句點藝術群體成員) Wong Fuk Kuen (@Floating Projects Collective) 費用 Workshop Fee:隨緣樂助,建議捐獻 $200 Free Donation , suggested price $200 名額 Quota:6
------------------------ 藝術家需要個人網頁,方便其他人預覽自己的作品,資訊流通很重要。每當要在網頁建立自己理想的瀏覽形式--- 不論是單色調、簡約風、螞蟻字型,都經常因為對編程卻步,轉為使用現成的網頁範本或網站建立服務(如WIX, squarespace等)。但其實藝術家的個人網頁只是需要極基本的網頁架構,我們其實可以省下網頁寄存的年費,只是建立一個靜態Static網頁並以Github 作為寄存-簡單、免費、快! 此工作坊旨在提供一個重掌自己的網頁架構及介面的方向。
We Artists need our own website, in our monotone, minimal, xs-font-size or whatever style, we want to build our home into our style, but we are constrained with the template our there. It’s common to use web builder (e.g. WIX , squarespace,etc) out there to build a website, but actually if all that we want is actually several pages, we don’t need to pay for the bulky service. Make a static webpage and host it on Github page - it’s easy, free and fast - just join us to unlock the DIY process - the starting point to regain our website structure and interface through practise.
關鍵字 keywords:
- Github page Free hosting
- Custom domain name
- Vue (Vue.js)
- Static website (No CMS)
- Basic CSS HTML
- Routing
*參加者 必須 帶備手提電腦 Participant MUST bring along personal laptop computer to workshop **請即填妥表格報名 Register Now: https://forms.gle/YHP75fy5TCN3dzkh9
導師簡介 About Workshop leader 黃福權 :我是藝術家,本業是網頁開發員,我應該知道你們需要什麼 fukkuen:I’m an artist and I work as a web developer. I should know what you need.
藝術家網頁 Artist profile website :https://fukkuen.com/ (*not very convincing)
《技藝開倉 思想武裝》 工作坊系列 Armed Paper, Tech/Art Jetso - Workshop Series--------
一系列由「 句點藝術群體」成員發起的工作坊,構思源自「分享」。 課堂內容多元,有些是成員個人於藝術創作或職場裏修習得來的知識和技巧,或是出於友儕交往或合作間發掘出來的獨特才能,以謙恭之心作無私的知識傳遞,努力重新啟動一些已知的、一般性的藝術實踐。藝術創作上,技藝能改變什麼並不是重點,我們反而傾向應對(address) 科技及技藝造成的影響。同時,我們懷著關注的心並以行動實踐,擁護那些我們珍而重之的群體。 身處亂世使我們疑惑是否來自平行宇宙的衝擊,現實中慶幸尚有寸土供思想避難,了解其他人如何觀察、解決問題並提出應變方案。
These workshops are organized without an order. Zero correlation. No logic. Almost no prior experience of any kind required. Brought to you by the different members from the Floating Projects Collective (FPC), the series is mainly comprised of varied, almost chaotic, spectrum of knowledge and techniques gained from individual member’s work experience and artistic practice. At times, FPC friends and other fellow collaborators will be invited to share their exceptional skills and talents. It seeks not only to embrace the idea of sharing with a humble heart, but more crucially, to critically re-engage and re-examine the more known, or rather “common” artistic approaches through hosting this rigorous idea/skill exchange cycle. To us, it is not a question what difference we can make with varied art/tech, we are more inclined to investigate, identity and address how our mentality and behaviour, thus our artistic practise is being influenced by the ever-changing ecology of art/technology. There has never been a time where forming groups and getting together becomes so necessary and assertive. We believe that ultimately, it might not be the idea/skill that creators shared matters, it is much rather the whimsical exit strategies and survival tactics manifested by each of them from their years of observations and trial-and-errors that propose alternative pathways for us to stay sane, and to defeat the unrelenting parallel universe in troubled times.