《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses - book launch series
All posts related to the Manifestos 2 project with continuous updates: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/tag/manifesto2/
For enquiries and comments: contact@floatingprojectscollective.net
2016 年,以研究主導創作的跨領域藝術家黎肖嫻博士開展了錄像書寫宣言計劃,其時,製造影像的工具無遠弗屆、層出不窮已不是新鮮事,正是思量如何重新開發聲影活動的時候,藉此推動錄像藝術的轉化。錄像藝術強調以流動影像去「書寫」;書寫即意味著積極主動的把我們個人的主體性插入以懲治與操控為本的當代社會。我們慶幸能夠集合到一群遺世獨立、勤懇奮進的錄像書寫人在一起;各人帶來了激烈的思辯以外,也能為自己的創作於當下留下註腳,繼續上路。中英雙語、共365頁的《我們的錄像宣言 ② 記述的衝動》囊括了49位本地與海外錄像書寫人的錄像宣言、共67份錄像作品,將於5月25日正式發行,在這段時期,我們邀請到好些參與《錄像宣言 ②》的錄像書寫人放映他們的作品以及進行分享。
The Manifesto series on videography, launched in 2016, is a project initiated by research-based interdisciplinary artist, Dr. Linda Chiu-han Lai, to encourage the re-purposing of videography in a time when image-making tools are ubiquitous. Videography highlights “writing” with moving images; and writing asserts the proactive insertion of our subjectivities into our contemporary society of discipline and control. And we have gathered self-directed, diligent videographers to enter a series of rigorous dialogues and to become a theorist of their own practice. <Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses> , a 365-page bilingual book, which includes 49 local and overseas videographers’ manifestos, and a total of 67 video works, will be released on 25th May. In the meantime, we have invited some of the participating artists of <Our Manifestos II> to preview their works and share their manifestos.
預購表格 Pre-order form: https://forms.gle/uRUMBZU69WHanRPr6
To be released 4 June 2021 六月四日面世 23.5 (Sun) | 7-9pm 地點 Venue:「據點。句點」Floating Projects 錄像書寫人忻慧妍、黃頌恩、吳佳儒、黃百亨的作品放映以及分享(廣東話為主) Videographers Winnie Wai-yin Yan, Chung-yan Wong, Jiaru Wu and Pak-hang Wong‘s work screening and sharing (in Cantonese) DETAILS 詳情 on Floating Teatime [... ...] 28.5 (Fri) | 8-10pm 網上直播 Online Screening and Sharing
To register as a member of the audience, please follow this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qwCorEl3TgiKzqm-A7iv4g Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the join event link. **歡迎觀眾於「據點。句點」現場聚會 On-site gathering at Floating Projects also accommodated.
海外錄像書寫人林星語、林森、滑惜子、Zach McLane 以及本地錄像書寫人黃曦嬅、趙芷妮的作品放映以及分享(英語為主) Overseas videographers Susan Lin, April Lin, Cecilia Hua Xi Zi, Zach McLane and local videographer Hei-wa Wong and Natalie A. Chao’s work screening and sharing (in English)
DETAILS 詳情 on Floating Teatime [... ...] 05.30 postponed to 06.6 (Sun) | 7-9pm | 新書發佈 Book Launch 地點 Venue:「據點。句點」Floating Projects
***6:00pm A simple reception party to celebrate and for readers to meet the artists. The book will be available for sale. 歡迎各界友好6:00來到據點陣地,有簡單招待,與宣言作者交談。可現場購買新書。
錄像書寫人余穎欣、胡文釗、 曾旭熙、極光導賞團(火炭麗琪, Derederek, xyziki, joseph2015chen) 的作品放映以及分享(廣東話為主) Videographers Wing-yan Yu, Joris Man-chiu Wu, Don Yuk-hei Tsang, and the Aurora Trip Sitter (fotan laiki, Derederek, xyziki, joseph2015chen) will have their works screened and talk about their manifestos (in Cantonese)

Manifesto 2: the Team 錄像宣言2 團隊
General Editor 主編: Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 Deputy Editor 副編輯: Emilie S.Y. Choi 蔡倩怡 Copy-editor (English) 文稿編輯(英): Zach McLane Copy-editor (Chinese) 文稿編輯(中): Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 Designer: Heiwa WONG 黃曦嬅 Manifesto 2 writers Artists (from open call) Man-kit AU 區文傑 | Aurora Trip Sitter 極光導賞團 | Blue Button 藍釦子| Ka-wan CHAN 陳嘉韻 | Ryan Siu-lung CHAN 陳小龍 | Sam CHAN 陳顯宗 | Bobby CHEN 陳品陶 | Natalie A. CHAO 趙芷妮 | Duckcrow 溫金金 | Marvin HAUCK | Cecilia, Hua Xi Zi 滑惜子| Ittiteerarak Weera IT 張國樑 | Chun-ling LAI 黎振寧 | Aurelia Giovanni LAKSMANA | Wing-sze LAM 林穎詩 | Esther Yuen-ching LAM 林琬晴 | April LIN 林森 (with Jasmine Lin) | Susan LIN 林星語 | Selina Kin-Kwan LO 盧建君 | Zach MCLANE | Esther MAN 文雅樂 | Natalie A. CHAO 趙芷妮 | REICHRICHTER 帝國 | 法官 | Don Yuk-hei TSANG 曾旭熙 | Phoenix Ngo-chun TSE 謝傲俊 | Chung-yan WONG 黃頌恩 | Dorothy Ka-chung WONG 黃加頌 | Hei-wa WONG 黃曦嬅 | Hiu-ching WONG 黃曉晴 | Pak-hang WONG 黃百亨 | Jiaru WU 吳佳儒 | Man-chiu WU 胡文釗 | Tsz-hong YUNG 翁子康 | Wing-yan YU 余穎欣 | Tian-yi ZHENG 鄭天依 Manifesto 2 Writers Artists (by invitation) Silas FONG 方琛宇 | Wai-yin Winnie YAN 忻慧妍 | Linda Chiu-han LAI 黎肖嫻 (project initiator) | Elaine Suk-yin WONG 黃淑賢 (project initiator) | Winsome Dumalagan WONG 黃慧心 (project initiator) Artists (by Invitation) Tina Wing-chung CHAU 周穎聰 (stop-press collectibles) Martin Sik-chai YEUNG 楊錫齊 (stop-press collectibles) Brian Sing-yiu NG 伍昇耀 (stop-press collectibles) Parco Lok-hang WONG 王樂行 (stop-press collectibles) Intuon CHAU 周姍祐, Brian CHU 朱彥龢 (龢wo4), Prescott LAW 羅昊培 (stop-press collectibles) Tim Ting-cheung CHAN 陳庭章, Cheuk-man WONG 黃勺嫚 (stop-press collectibles)