D-Normal/V-Essay expanded: sound workshop | 據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習 - 聲音工作坊
工作室 Workshops
據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習見面系列 [...] D-Normal/V-Essay expanded meeting/learning series [...]
SOUND Workshop 聲音工作坊
工作坊導師 Workshop Leader: | 王鎮海 | Wong Chun Hoi (Floating Projects Collective)
日期 Date: 12/06/2021 (Sat 星期六)
時間 Time: 3pm - 6pm
地點 Venue: 據點.句點 Floating Projects (L306D @JCCAC)
名額 quota: 6
報名Registration: https://forms.gle/DyNM534NMAc8FsW69 **
此工作坊將與大家分享簡單又低成本的聲音創作技巧,在你的錄像作品中創作以聲音敘事的部份。 工作坊內容:
- 聆聽練習
- 錄音技巧
- 聲音剪接 及 效果器使用方法
- 以錄音素材作設置採樣器 (Audio Sampler) 的技巧
- 手提電腦(mac / window / linux),及已安裝 Reaper 軟件
- Headphone (3.5mm 插頭)
- 錄音器材(手提電話或手提錄音機)
- 如有需要,可自備聲音素材
This workshop will share simple and low-cost techniques for creating sound narratives in your video work. Workshop Content:
- Listening Exercises
- Recording techniques
- Sound editing and the use of effectors
- Techniques for setting up audio sampler instrument with recording material
Participants must prepare and bring along :
- Laptop (mac / window / linux) with Reaper software installed
- Headphone (3.5mm plug)
- Audio Recording Gear (mobile phone or portable audio recorder)
- (optional) Your own sound material
** 此活動為「平地數碼」的支援活動。 This is a supporting event for D-Normal / V-Essay.
Workshop Documentation