Evans Chan's 'Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei' 康有為二三事 (2012) & 'Bauhinia' 紫荊 (2002)
Press Screening:
Friday, 7:00pm, April 13, 2012 @ Floating Projects Collective / 放映後設有酒會。
1st floor, 99 Queen's Road East, Wanchai 灣仔皇后大道東99號二樓
Press Screenings of 2 works by director Evans Chan 陳耀成

《紫荊》Bauhinia (2002)
Hong Kong, color, drama, in Chinese and English, with English and Chinese subtitles. 50 min.
Commissioned by RTHK/香港電臺電視台邀約作品 (*Hong Kong premiere香港首映)
紐約2001 年。一位洋名為「紫荊」(李珺)的香港女留學生,正製作一部有關中國一子政策的記錄片。9/11恐怖襲擊突然發生,她剪接室的窗下是巳夷為平地的世貿中心。而她剛有了身孕...夏威夷電影節的Christopher Claxton 形容此片「泯滅了虛構與記實,創造出一個同時魘着片中人及觀眾的時空,令這不加渲染的9/11後的紐約更貼近人的生存的困境」。
In the aftermath of September 11, film student Bauhinia (Jun Li) attempts to edit her thesis project on female infanticide brojght about by China's one child policy in a New York room overlooking the wreckage left by the fallen Twin Towers, while faced with an unexpected pregnancy of her own.
Evans Chan melts "the fictional and the real world boundaries to create a space that haunts not only its characters but the audience as well... he captures a side of post 9/11 New York unfiltered by pop media thus consequently more truthful to the human condition." (Christopher Claxton, Hawaii International Film Festival)

《康有為二三事》Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei (2012)
Hong Kong/Taiwan/USA, color, documentary, in Chinese and English, with English and Chinese subtitles. 46 min. (*World premiere世界首映)
記錄片《康有為二三事》是《大同:康有為在瑞典》的外篇:追尋康氏在瑞典 的 Korsholmen (避島)的島上音容,他的瑞典戀曲及大同理想;探索他對 中國現代藝術誕生的貢獻;導演根據他最新搜羅的資料,推想康有為、毛澤東、劉少奇千絲萬縷的糾結,揭露造成《清宮秘史》的奇持命運的這一頁文革秘史。影片並 以一封康有為昔年給美國國務卿的,餘音繞樑的信作結。
Island, utopia, art, and political devastation are topics covered by this companion documentary to Datong (2011). It zeroes in on Korsholmen, the Swedish island Kang Youwei lived on for a few years, speculates on his love for Sweden in connection to this revival of the millenial utopia of Datong, examines his impact on the birth of the Chinese modern art, and explores the root cause of the mysterious escalation of the Cultural Revolution via Mao's criticism of Sorrows of the Forbidden City, a movie using the backdrop of the Kang-led Hundred Days Reform of 1889.
* * * * 「另類歷史:陳耀成電影」
於4月23至29日在藝術中心舉行的「另類歷史:陳耀成電影」將放映陳耀成的九齣作品,包括被「字花」文學雙月刊(2012年2月號)譽為九十年代的文化事件,並被Time Out 雜誌(2012年3月15曰)選為一百部最偉大港產片的《浮世戀曲》;被西班牙Compact CD 月刊選為「最佳當代音樂電影」的《靈琴新韻》;及榮獲南方都市報頒發的首屆人文生活2011年度電影大獎的《大同:康有為在瑞典》。
ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES: THE CINEMA OF EVANS CHAN / April 23-29, 2012 / Hong Kong Arts Centre Among the highlights of "Alternative Histories: The Cinema of Evans Chan" are To Liv(e), recently listed by <Time Out> (http://timeout.com.hk/film/features/49171/the-100-greatest-hong-kong-films4.html) as one of the "100 Greatest Hong Kong Films," Sorceress of the New Piano, named Best Contemporary Music film by Spain's Compact CD magazine, Datong: The Great Society, recipient of the inaugural 2011 Movie of the Year award presented by <Southern Metropolitan Daily>, and its complimentary documentary, Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei, which features a revealing investigation into the Kang-Mao-Liu Shaoqi connections over the critique of Zhu Shilin's Sorrows of the Forbidden City (1948) amidst the upheaval of the Cultural Revolution.