Kenji Wong's Exercise I & II | 王偉健的《兩個練習》
2015.10.24 4:00pm -6:00 pm @floating projects
展出王偉健的兩段行為錄像《流淚練習》(2012)及《暴力練習》(2015)。 作品分別於國民教育爭議期間及「暗角七警」事件一週年前夕完成,以錄像紀錄身體與意識之 角力,展示於强制自虐或被虐情況下的身體反射動作。 《流淚練習 Tear-Shedding Exercise》 片長:6 分 16 秒 以膠紙拉扯眼皮,讓眼球長時間曝露空氣,凝視國旗,直至流淚。 《暴力練習 Exercises in violence》 片長:33 分 48 秒 讀出「暗角七警,拳打腳踢,第1日,沒有人被起訴」,每次讀畢,即被掌摑一巴。如是者, 數至第365日。
王偉健 1987年出生於香港,香港城市大學創意媒體學院文學士,嶺南大學文化研究碩 士。從事錄像、攝影、行為及裝置等跨媒介創作,他的作品關注物件的時間性 ,及當中引延之記憶,並多次以行為作品回應社會議題,例如《維多利亞蒸 氣》(2006)《暴力練習》(2015)。其作品曾於紐約,台北及香港等地展 出。王氏現同時任職新聞機構《立場新聞》,專責新聞錄像及攝影。
Exercise I & II
Two performance art videos, Tear-Shedding Exercise (2012) and Exercises in Violence (2015), from Kenji Wong Wai Kin will be exhibited. The two pieces were completed during the time of ‘National Education Controversy’, and on the eve of 1 year anniversary of the ‘7 Cops in The Dark Corner’ incident respectively. His works record the tension between body and consciousness, revealing bodily reflexive response in case of physical abuse by self or others. ‘Tear-Shedding Exercise’ video length: 6 minutes 16 seconds The artist gazes at the National Flag of China until tears are shed--by taping open eyelids and keeping eyes exposed to the air. ‘Exercises in Violence’ video length: 33 minutes 48 seconds The artist reads aloud the sentence, ‘In a dark corner, seven policemen assaulted a protester. Day 1, none of them was prosecuted’. He repeats the sentence and counts the days until the 365th day. Each time the sentence is finished, the artist is slapped in the face.
Artist Biography
Kenji Wong WONG Wai Kin (b.1987) is an artist received his Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong and Master of Cultural Studies from Lingnan University. He uses videos, photographs, performances and installations, to depict time passing though the object as well as the memory it leaves in the mind. Most of his performances response to social issues, such as Exercises in violence (2015). His works have been exhibited in New York, Taipei, Macau and Hong Kong. Wong is Currently a video and photo journalist at a news organisation, Stand News.