Assemblage at Floating Projects (FP Assemblage) started with two personal stories. Initiation of the Assemblage events are documented here in writing, on 14 July 2015, on the eve of FP1.0’s Grand Opening… (this version: updated May 2022 for D-Normal/V-Essay issue 5)
黃福權把在遊走和行山時收錄到的竹林、海灘、飛過的航班、機場鐵路、拉膠紙等聲音元素,散種在油街一個半個足球場大小的卵石池上。是記錄、實驗、追憶、信物…。Fuk-kuen Wong planted sounds he collected from everyday walking and hiking trip onto a pool of pebbles of half-size of a soccer field on Oil Street. His recordings are documentation as much as token and gift for memories to pass.