D-Normal/V-Essay: A feast of videos, chill with Feaston 錄像盛宴
據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習見面系列 […] D-Normal/V-Essay expanded meeting/learning series […]
日期 Date: 13/6/2021 (Sun 星期日)
時間 Time: 3pm - 6pm
地點 Venue: 南丫島 榕樹灣 Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island 集合地點 南丫島 榕樹灣碼頭 Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier
** 交通 Transportation: 請於下午二時三十分於中環四號碼頭乘搭前往榕樹灣之渡輪,三時正到達 Please take the 14:30 ferry from Central Pier 4 and arrive at 15:00 at Yung Shue Wan pier. 船期表 Ferry Timetable
***逾時不侯 No accept late comers
Registration 報名: https://forms.gle/VZ3kUCgf6zRpFhD99
Join Feaston (@feaston96) this Sunday on Lamma Island in a performative lecture contemplating D-Normal. BBQ served.
週末在南丫島同 Feaston (@feaston96) 一齊探討究竟 D-Normal (Digital Normal) 可以有幾D,可以有幾Normal。 本 活動 包括一場表演式講座 及 海邊燒烤。
工作坊導師 About the Workshop Leader Feaston is a creative group from Hong Kong. Smashing into various scenes, we curate happenings in the city as resident critique of contemporary society.
We bring the background into the foreground. https://feaston.co/
** 此活動為「平地數碼」的支援活動。 This is a supporting event for D-Normal / V-Essay.
Event Record & Documentation
Full Length Performance documentation
video playlist in the performance lecture:
Landing AI. About Us. Wristband that stops people from touching their faces NEWPEACE AI Motion Mattress(8min) Who is MEGVII (Face++) Meet the Blinkist app! The world's knowledge in the palm of your hand Spatial - Collaborate from Anywhere in AR Virgin Hyperloop Passenger Experience Teslasuit. Master Reality Toyota e-Palette Concept Design and Collaborate in VR with Gravity Sketch | Oculus for Business Introducing Neuralink Circle DNA test. A Revolutionary Breakthrough. The World’s Most Comprehensive DNA Test! FULL REVEAL! Elon Musk's Neuralink chip tested live in pig brains Virtual NFT Galleries are now open - OpenSea, SuperChief and more! Neo Wakes Up in the Real World | The Matrix (1999) HD Clip Introducing the Citizen App Install Logically now How reliable is Power Chan 陳力? Smart Office: when the office space works for you Cultured Meat: A Vision of the Future Musician Zoom rehearsal test 2. trying to play together