Linda Lai / Ocular Oracular: Tentacular thinking & the horses that stroll on the digital flatland 觸角思維:在數碼平地上隨走的馬

Linda Lai / Ocular Oracular: Tentacular thinking & the horses that stroll on the digital flatland 觸角思維:在數碼平地上隨走的馬

Linda Chiu-han Lai 黎肖嫻

Linda Chiu-han Lai 黎肖嫻

發表於: 31 Dec 2020

65 submitted works: from pure seeing to documentary


// Ocular: about vision (seeing)
// Oracular: prophetic, speaking of the future; delivering opinions in cryptic phrases


What is artistic creativity? What kind of makers can we (afford to) be? Issue #1 of D-Normal/V-Essay, Ocular Oracular, gathered through our open call a rich assemblage of voices, a manifestation of a contemporary landscape of creativity by serendipity, not by planning. Works came from different parts of the world -- Argentina, Europe, USA, UK, Korea and more, including digital nomads and those working between cities…, all sharing the same spirit of pushing boundaries. With the 70+ successfully uploaded works still running fresh in the jurors’ mind, we find the artist/maker/creator a combination of some or most of the following in dialogue…

// 甲骨文是漢字的書體名稱,是約三千四百多年前商朝的人刻在龜甲和獸骨上的文字。已收集的甲骨文單字有四千多個,其中一千多字可以釋讀,但是有許多字的筆劃和偏旁尚未完全定型。這就是這期錄像文章取名為《聲影甲骨文》的取向,強調「甲骨文」的引伸義 (由字的「本義」或「基本義」向相近相似的意義推演延伸至產生的新意義)-- 於我們來說,就是繼續從未完全定型的聲、影物理素材和可擴展的論述定義向外、向周邊創造新作業。


*the suffering prophet 苦難的先知
*the hypnotist 催眠者
*the absorbed gamer inside a labyrinth 自建迷宮忘我嬉戲在其中的小子
*the ventriloquist 腹語系
*the alchemist 變金術研究者
*the activist and the advocate 倡議行動者
*the well-read social critic 讀萬卷書、精通網路傳播的評論者
*the curious adventurer 充滿好奇的冒險探險旅人
*the magician 魔術師
*the speaking sleepwalker 夢遊者

A big feast of ideas: propositions, confessions, speculations, performing one’s subjectivities, minimal documentation... of varied existential concerns, social and physical phenomena, shared by all contemporary citizens. In response to the submissions and the concern articulated, we have come up with a tentative grouping to frame our follow-up conversations, just for this issue:


<Virtual Presence> 虛擬的存在 
Is the “virtual” an illusion or is it a form of potentiality? Is virtual presence merely technologically enabled? Is what you read necessarily what I write? What new forms of value does datafication lead to?
<Performing consciousness> 展演的「我」現在進行式 | p. 5-6
Just as space is to be narrated, our being can only be understood as it unfolds in time in action. Dynamic self.

<Hong Kong> 我城香港 
Thinking about/of/from within/away from/outside Hong Kong… How many ways can Hong Kong be tackled? What is Hong Kong and what is foreign?

<News from around the world> 各地來鴻
Election. Hi-speed train. Loss of land rights. solidarity. Eco-diversity. The politics that dictates the life span of an art site…

<Tentacular Thinking> 多觸思考
Cross-disciplinary and multi-species. Queer values… Algae. Masks. Covid-19, Dinosaurs. Origins and extinction… “What happens when human exceptionalism and bounded individualism become unthinkable in the best sciences, whether natural or social?“ (Donna Haraway)


We begin to wonder: what would our zine table of content look like in our next issues?

Of the seven proposed categories in the open call, the least attempted was [7] – video essays that explain how algorithm works. We look forward to more attempts in the upcoming rounds. We are also amazed at the number of entries that bill themselves dealing with [1] – object lives / object-logue.
我們期望 [7] “打開編碼演算的黑盒” 會得到更多的關注,對當下新肺炎的日常體會更豐盈。喜見 [1] ”東西自白“ 有不少來稿。盼望更多不經常創作的朋友們參與,把你的專業專長與我們分享,用你的文法,你的語調,你的態度。




[1] https://doi.org/10.1215/9780822373780-003

[2] http://compendium.kosawese.net/term/anthropocene-capitalocene-chthulucene/#:~:text=Haraway%20also%20argues%20that%20a,refers%20to%20processes%20of%20reworlding.


Haraway, Donna J. 2016. “Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene“(chapter 2) . Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University Press.

Haraway, Donna J. 2014. Video lecture: “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene: Making String Figures with Biologies, Arts, Activisms” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHwZA9NGWg0 , 30 October 2014.

Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene

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