The final WCH Assemblage (n-1) before relocation 黃竹坑聚疊 (n-1) - 清場大亂鬥
Farewell to Wong Chuk Hang: closing performance of FP1.0 / 7:00pm, 4 August 2018 道別黃竹坑三年的「據點1.0」。2018年8月4日星期六夜晚七點 A video dedicated to FP's space-making [...] FP 2.0 will begin as the Floating Projects Collective re-locate to JCCAC (Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre) in late August 2018. 2008年8月下旬,「據點2.0」將會在石夾尾賽馬會創意藝術中心展開 Facing an empty premise with reverb sound has us thinking about the possibilities of our future. While moving out soon, the room gradually returns to its former void. What have we deposited onto the space of 3 full years? How different have we become? FP 1.0 will consummate ritualistically with our signature WCH Assemblage (object installation + performance) three weeks before final clearance. In this game participants are invited to use some readily found objects to create an environment within a limited time frame, and interfere with other participants' actions with respect. The premise becomes a raw experimental space. Known for its spontaneity, how would the final game of WCH Assemblage evolve towards total evacuation through object assemblage? How would the folks in FP react to the returned-empty space when they have being here for 3 years? Apart from the exhibition itself, on the last day there will be a collaborative performance based on the settings and objects on the spot, in collaboration, together with MMI (Moving Moving Image), another of FPC's components. The final FP1.0 schedule 時間表: 21/7 (Sat) 聚疊中 (Assemblage in process) - 全日 All Day 22/7 (Sun) 聚疊開幕 (Assemblage opening): 7:00pm MMI開幕表演 (MMI performance) 7:30pm 4/8 (Sat) 聚疊閉幕表演 (Assemblage closing performance) 7:00pm 參與者 Participating Artists: Floating Project Members + Friends (Yip Kai-chun, Sampson Cheung, Stanley Sin) 黃竹坑聚疊(n-1) - 清場大亂鬥 今天疊,明天鬥,天天都亂,再執好搬家 面對回復空白卻灌滿回音的單位,我們充滿佈置未來的想像。據點遷出在即,面對還完後的另一種空白又會是甚麼的景象? 在據點遷出前的最後三星期,我們將會舉行一場黃竹坑聚疊,那是據點發展出來的一種遊戲-聚疊的參與者會運用隨處拾到的物件,在有限的時間內,即場進行創作,過程中可以互相介入但必須尊重對方-展場變成一個原始的實驗空間。
以機動靈活見稱的聚疊,今次在返回空白的特殊情況下,於這地方渡過了三年的朋友,會以什麼來回應呢?據點在黃竹坑的最後面貌會是怎樣? 除了聚疊展覽本身,眾參與者在最後一天還有以現場物件作為基調的演出。另外,MMI( 移動移動影像)還會在開幕日首演新作!