
Kel Lok 駱敏聰


Kel Lok Man Chung graduated from the School of Creative Media in the City University of Hong Kong in 2015. He was the core member of artist group “Moving Moving Image”. Committed to produce “low-fidelity” animation and strange installations. Love collecting weird stuffs on Taobao and learning new technical hand-crafting skills. Looking forward to show the interesting parts of the world and interesting new worlds to people. 

城市大學創意媒體學院2015年畢業,藝術團隊《動動像》成員。 致力製作低質動畫與奇怪裝置,熱愛於淘寶搜羅古靈精怪的玩意,以及學習各種技藝。期待將世界的有趣之處,與有趣的新世界展現人前。 

Floating Projects Collective 2025