FP initiated collaborative activities at Documenta 15
【Podcast Recording 📺 |Documenta Sightseeing, Experiences, and Collective Practice Sharing💬】 📅 29 JULY 2022 (Friday) 🕰 1500-1600 (CEST) / 2100-1000 (HKT) /2000-2100 (WIB) 📌 The Cueve; Korte Papaverweg 2, 1032 KB, Amsterdam, Netherlands Welcome to join our Nongkrong (=podcast recording session) in Amsterdam✨✨ to discuss the Documenta15 sightseeing, experiences and collective practice with Dory CHENG Ka Man @dorylab , Hananingsih Widhiasri @hanalogi_semata , Li Yuchen @lyra_liyuchen , and Renèe Bonte! 💡 In collaboration: Floating Projects, Hong Kong @floatingprojects , Kolektif Hysteria, Indonesia @grobakhysteria , Weaving Realities, Amsterdam @weaving_realities_collective. To be continued..., Amsterdam @tobecontinued.space More activity announcements [...] All ArtNotes posts related to FP at Documenta 15 [...]