
Searching for tag: dory-cheng

FP at BOOKED 24: digging treasures from the past, creating tracks for the future 大館書展2024作據點:挖寶、於當下立竿、為前路畫線
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (6): Concrete Exchange 回家前的知識交流
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (5): Acting Out 實作
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (4): “MAKE FRIENDS NOT ART!” 做藝術就是做朋友。
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (3): connecting, boat-building… 天天實作天天學習
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (2): immersing… 鑽進另一種日常生活
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

Floating Projects is taking part in Gudskul’s fifth year of Contemporary Art Collective and Ecosystem Studies, this time part of Documenta 15. FPC members John Chow and Dory Cheng participates in their 50-day co-living to gain first-hand understanding of lumbung practice, a sharing model.

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

據點句點新成員鄭嘉雯參加了2022年5月6日星期五晚的 Assemblage 熱身,自行發現「聚疊」的內藴。即興是怎樣的一回事? What does improvization look like? FPC new member Dory Cheng provided her account as a fresh performer-participant at the 6th May Assemblage.

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

究竟是什麼原因,一段津津樂道的歷史,一個大家認為具代表性的活動,最後變成了文化遺產? What does improvization look like? Here’s an account of what happened on site at Floating Projects in the evening of 6th of May, by FPC member WONG Fuk-kuen…

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (2): reconnecting, quarantine diaries… 「大氣中融融細語」(二): 嘗試連線,隔離日記
Floating Projects Collective 2024