Latin American narratives and visual experimentation 來自拉丁美洲的敘事及視覺實驗
4 May 2019 | 3:00-6:00pm at FP
Latin American narrative and visual experimentation + Artist presentation / Mario Guzman (Mexico, Argentina)
+ Film program
Organized by Linda Lai and Hector Rodriguez
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- Mario Guzman, a Mexican experimental writer, and new media artist now working in Hong Kong, will present his own work on literature, code, and visual experimentation.
He uses robotics and interactive installations where writing becomes a performative process in which humans and machines collaborate in the creation process and the negotiation of meanings. Quetzalcoatl-bot. Between code and codex. Interactive robotic installation, 2016. Temazcalli-Dome. Immersive full-dome narrative. Mario G. + Agustin R. Anzorena. 2015-2016. Generative Oracle From pulse to letters. Generative writing artifact, 2015. Visionoros Collective. VHS performance, 2014 - present.
BIOGRAPHY: www.mario-guzman.com Mario Guzman is a Mexican researcher, experimental writer and new media artist merging language with audiovisual phenomena in the realms of web development, electronic art, algorithmic literature, and robotics. He has a B.A. in Literature from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and a Master in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts from the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero in Argentina. He explores the communication between human and non-human agents, robot-human interaction, and different ways to encode perception and narrative through technology in the process of bringing code studies, storytelling and culture together. His work has been presented in México, Panamá, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, France, and the USA. Highlights include Itaú Digital Story Award, XIX International Biennial of Visual Arts in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Biennial of Young Art in Buenos Aires, Full-dome Understanding Visual Music residency and the 105th Installations and Media Arts National Hall
Currently, he is working in Hanson Robotics.
[L to R, works by Mario Guzman] Temazcalli-Dome 2015-16). Generative Oracle From pulse to letters (2015), Visionoros Collective (2 images, 2014), Quetzalcoatl-bot (2016)
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- Mario Guzman will also introduce us to the contemporary scene of Argentinian experimental cinema, academic and collaborative groups aimed to exhibit and distribute films + showcase several works and projects from Jeff Zorrilla, Paulo Pecora, Azucena Lozana, and Ernesto Baca.
Jeff Zorrilla. White Trash. 2’34’’ / Super 8 / 2018. Jeff Zorrilla. Disuelto en la lengua. 3’41’’ / Super 8 / 2017. Pauo Pécora. MLA, interview with Marie Louise Alemann. 6’48’’ / Super 8 / 2013. Azucena Losana. Super Ch8s!. 1’24’’ / Super 8 performance / 2018. Azucena Losana. Develar. 6’32’’ / Performance two channels / 2018. Ernesto Baca. Varela is dead. 6' 41"/ 35mm / 2019. Ernesto Baca. Neptuno. 2' 43" / 35mm / 2019.

Jeff Zorrilla, White Trash.(2018) | Super 8

Ernesto Baca, Neptuno.(2019) | 35mm

Azucena Losana, Develar (2018) | 2-channel performance

Ernesto Baca, Varela is dead (2019) | 35mm

Azucena Losana, Super Ch8s!. (2018) | Super8 performance /

Pauo Pécora, MLA, interview with Marie Louise Alemann. (2013) | Super8

Jeff Zorrilla, Disuelto en la lengua (2017) | Super8