
Searching for tag: experimental-cinema

《虛遊迴路》 作品分享 - 意識的拓展,冥想與擴展影院 Meditation and expanded cinema for stretched consciousness

《虛遊迴路》 作品分享 - 意識的拓展,冥想與擴展影院 Meditation and expanded cinema for stretched consciousness

如何把新紀元論述中的「脈輪」觀念化成藝術的感知,開拓新經驗呢?這是嘗試,也可以實驗。伍昇耀於據點2023年二月份的作品就是這種嘗試的體驗,膨脹電影,由頌缽開始。這是創作者的自述。 Stanley Ng revisited the artist's narrative he wrote for his show at Floating Projects (2023.02) and rewrote it in Chinese.

Free Radicals: a critique of strict classification: animation experiments from Europe/US/Japan as examples 游離基 – 擺脫標籤侷限,向歐美日實驗動畫借鏡

Free Radicals: a critique of strict classification: animation experiments from Europe/US/Japan as examples 游離基 – 擺脫標籤侷限,向歐美日實驗動畫借鏡

Lee Hangjun offers a defence for experiments in the animated picture: collapse the story-documentary-experimental triad, as the 11 work (1935-2015) from Europe and Japan manifest. 首爾實驗電影及動畫節總監李幸俊 以11部歐美日作品(1935-2015)去說明擺脫「故事-紀錄-實驗」三分法的囹圄去打開動畫的可能性早有先例。

Floating Projects Collective 2024