D-Normal/V-Essay: Motion picture film workshop | 電影菲林工作坊
工作坊導師 Workshop Leader: 李新傑 Andy Li (Floating Projects Collective) 日期 Date: 28/02/2021
時間 Time: 2:00pm - 5:30pm
地點 Venue: 據點.句點 Floating Projects (L306D @JCCAC)
名額 Capacity: 6 報名Registration: https://forms.gle/LFDXMSjGJ8dNUAHR6
歡迎你來以超八米釐底片拍攝你未來的作品! 假如你對用菲林拍電影感興趣,歡迎你參與是次工作坊。 導師會簡介電影菲林和超八米釐相機的歷史、種類、操作方法。然後,回家前,你會現場拍攝一段屬於自已的超八米釐影片! 工作坊內容:
- 介紹不同格式的電影菲林及超八相機的歷史
- 介紹市面上可買到的不同種類電影菲林
- 解釋傳統及電子混合的影像工作流程
- 超八米釐相機拍攝
- 相機基本操作
- 如何使用測光錶去取得正確曝光
- 使用相機其他功能
- 拍攝一段屬於自已的超八米釐影片
Learn the inner workings of Super8 film shooting for your own projects. Are you interested in shooting on film? Here’s a workshop to make films with a Super8 movie camera! This workshop introduces you to the history of the analog film and the inner workings of shooting with a Super8 camera. This could be where you make your first 8mm project! Workshop content:
- Introduction to different cine film formats, a brief history
- Introduction to efilm stock variety for movies
- Introduction to the analogue-digital hybrid workflow
- Super 8 camera operation walk-through
- Load Super 8 cameras
- Properly set aperture with a light meter
- Use different functions of the cameras properly
- Shoot a clip of film by yourself
Workshop outcome 工作坊成果 D-Normal / V-Essay Motion picture film workshop outcome from Floating Projects on Vimeo.
** 此活動為「平地數碼」的支援活動。 This is a supporting event for D-Normal / V-Essay.