‘New Territories’, Charles Richardson
New Territories. Charles Richardson
Exhibition: 2017.02.11 - 02.19
Opening: 11th Feb,2017 4:30pm Floating Projects, Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang (Exit B, MTR Wong Chuk Hang Statton)
The artist will be present on Saturday 11th for questions or a chat and a drink throughout the day. Richardson’s film/animation will be a partial look at some of the scans and footage from his 6 weeks working in Hong Kong on the Artist Mutual Support Scheme at Floating Projects. Richardson has come to Hong Kong with support from the British Council and Arts Council England. He has treated Floating Projects as his study base, place of experimentation and discussion hub.
‘New Territories’ , Charles Richardson
二零一七年 二月十一日 至 二月十九日
開幕:二零一七年 二月十一日 下午四時半至七時
地點:據點。句點 (黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室 (港鐵 黃竹坑站 B出口)
藝術家 Charles Richardson (英國)將會展出他的錄像/動畫作品 ,是為他在香港駐留六星期間在地創作的部份成果,同場亦會展示 2016年年底 Richardson主講的立體掃描工作坊當天的成果。藝術家將出席開幕茶會,歡迎來問問題、聊天。討論一下他如何看待日漸普遍的攝影測量立體掃描技術,及以此作為創作工具的理念。 Richardson 的駐留香港計劃由 英國文化協會 及 Arts Council England 支持經費,並由據點。句點的「互相幫忙計劃」支援創作,作為藝術家的臨時創作實驗室、討論區及在地研究的資料庫。
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/412329085780041/