那藝織思 Nexus between Art, Practice & Research
This mind-map showcase of research practices emphasises different artistic practices, a common curatorial consensus and shared ways of interacting through theory, stories, anecdotes and form. All projects are from different life stages; some contributors are in the middle of their research, some are in the run to finalise their PhD, and some have a recently finished doctorate. This exhibition makes the overview and continuously vivid exchange within these projects feasible.
The participating artists, researchers and curators are presenting works (and thinking) in progress. Kay Mei Ling Beadman's research and practice start from the intensely personal - the lifelong embodied experience of mixed race, and opens up numerous methods of sensitisation through her multidisciplinary artistic practice. Michael Leung engages in his thesis novel with the stories of Wang Chau villagers and amplifies their voices alongside land movements in France, the UK and elsewhere in Hong Kong. PARK Ji Yun denies the idea of nature merely surrounding us, but insists on showing the crucial accompanying and forming importance of nature in our human lives through interacting with orchids via her chosen medium, film. Tony Maslić investigates general consciousness to speculate on the rise of sentience and artificial consciousness within the hyper-networked and technological infused cities of tomorrow. ZHANG Zimu focuses on the intricate materialities of a river in the Pearl River Delta, connecting female intimate memories with the river ecologies via collaging a transcorporal mapping of her river walks in the former world factory city Dongguan. Eva Direito, Patricia Moreira and Olga Timurgalieva chronicle the roles of minute, non-charismatic and often invisible yeasts in contemporary lifestyles and map some human-yeast connections mediated by structures of production. Christine Kaiser has been instrumental in asking questions, provocations and making connections throughout the exhibition.
Several core topics focus on this engagement and weave this research encounter together: the personal interest (how this research came into place/"happened"), the situational embedding (of the researcher and the study) and the relational moment(s) of the research process. These topics can be traced in the objects and presentations, within the chosen displays, the space, and its implementation history.
Throughout the process for this exhibition, conversations helped to rethink existing structures and ideas of wording. For example, terms such as natureculture(s), and contradictions such as extract/excavate were re-questioned in their conditionality and reflected within this showcase. Thus, we all work together in creating our commons in the sphere of our research, expressed many times in counter positioning to our institutional setting. Please enjoy the process and take the chance to add your thoughts: Take a pencil, a tape or a sticky note to change the flow of research and its institutional attitude! | Opening THURSDAY, 14 JULY 2022 FROM 14:00-20:00 UTC+08 Floating Projects|據點。句點 14-31 July 2022, 2-8pm Tuesday to Sunday|2022年七月十四日-三十一日,下午2至8, 週二到週日 此次展出的研究性實踐思維導圖重點呈現多樣性的藝術實踐,一種公共性的策展共識,以及理論、故事、趣聞與形式的分享式互動。所有的項目均處在不同階段:一些參與者處在研究期間,一些正衝刺完成博士項目,也有一些近期取得了博士學位。此次展覽使對這些項目進行一種概覽性以及持續性地靈感交流變得可行。 參與展覽的藝術家、研究者及策展人們呈現的是正在進行中的作品(及思考)。 Kay Mei Ling Beadman的研究和實踐始於她非常具體的個人體驗- 終其一生的具身性混血身份,通過她多學科的藝術實踐指向許多增進感受力的方法。 梁志剛著手於他所寫作的關於橫洲村民的論文小說,突出村民的聲音,並同時關照發生在法國、英國與香港其他地方的土地運動。 朴志允否認自然僅作為環繞我們而存在的主流想法,通過她與蘭花的互動,藉由影像這一媒介來呈現自然是如何在人類生活中進行關鍵性的陪同與形塑。 Tony Maslić 通過調研普遍性的感知來推測在超級網絡化與技術交融的明日都市之中不斷增長的人工智能與人工感知。 張子木專注於呈現珠三角洲一條河流的駁雜的物質性,以一種跨實體性的拼貼的方式將她在東莞這一前世界工廠的沿河漫步,女性私密的記憶與河流的生態性相聯繫。 Eva Direito, Patricia Moreira 和 Olga Timurgalieva 詳細紀錄微小、無奇且經常不可見的酵母在當代生活中的作用,描繪人類-酵母經由生產結構所中介的連結。 Christine Kaiser在整個展覽過程中起到非常重要的作用,她提出問題、激發討論並關聯各個項目。 幾處核心的議題將這次展覽與研究項目編織在一起:個人興趣(這個研究項目是怎樣產生的/「發生」的),情境嵌入(研究者與研究項目)以及研究過程中的關係性的時刻(複數)。這些議題可以追溯到物件與展示的具體形式,空間和此次展覽的實施過程。 在整個展覽的過程中,對話幫助我們重新思考既有的結構與措辭。例如,像是自然文化(複數)等術語,榨取/發掘等相抵觸的概念,均在其條件性之中被重新提問、反思。這是一種我們在共同工作中創造的研究領域的公共性,許多次我們需要處在慣常機構性環境的對立面。請享受這次展覽的過程,藉此機會加入你的思考:拿一隻鉛筆,一卷膠帶或者一張貼紙,來改變屬於研究的流動以及其背後機構性的態度! ...Kay Mei Ling Beadman ...Christine Kaiser ...Michael Leung 梁志剛 ...Tony Maslić ...Ji Yun Park 朴志允 ...Eva Direito ...Patricia Moreira ...Olga Timurgalieva ...Zimu Zhang 張子木 |