
Searching for tag: site-specific-installation

談「縫補歲月」,冀「歷史毋忘」On the Mending Years, and How to Fill in the Gaps of History

談「縫補歲月」,冀「歷史毋忘」On the Mending Years, and How to Fill in the Gaps of History

How not to forget history? Wai-leung Lai turns to the concrete contribution of an object-based approach in installation art, following up on his last piece on the show Mending Years to assert the place of the non-expert in completing an art event as a form of social commemoration. 據點作者黎偉亮要求「歷史毋忘」要具體,也許在以「物」為軸的場域特定展覽《縫補歲月》中,他找到了裝置藝術所盛載的一點貢獻。

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Curator Ying-chi Tang sees the present in the 5 stories of the past that harp back onto the 1960s-1970s, arguing that the public and domestic are integrally one, as the artists in the group show present. 策展人鄧凝姿眼中的「縫補歲月」不單是上世紀的六七十年代,也是構成今天的一部份;透過五位創作者的視野,她看見公共領域和家居細活之間的千絲萬縷。

WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. One step forward. No Waste | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。多走一步。總有點甚麼。
聚疊的各種天氣 The weathers of the assemblage-assemblies
2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

據點句點新成員鄭嘉雯參加了2022年5月6日星期五晚的 Assemblage 熱身,自行發現「聚疊」的內藴。即興是怎樣的一回事? What does improvization look like? FPC new member Dory Cheng provided her account as a fresh performer-participant at the 6th May Assemblage.

Vanessa Tsai / 台北《巢》 獨立影音計畫 觀後 有感 A visit to Endospace Sound Visual Art’s “Nest”

Vanessa Tsai / 台北《巢》 獨立影音計畫 觀後 有感 A visit to Endospace Sound Visual Art’s “Nest”

《巢》是「安全感」的符號,內部的情感流向自成一體,同時是個「開發可重複利用的媒體裝置」;對訪者來說,強調無敘事的觀賞。據點海外作者蔡季妙於2020年12月底到訪了。巢內部住進皮膚裡的感官思維是怎樣的呢?Nest is the exquisite architectural work of the Ploceidae in nature; “Nest,” now on in Taipei, is an enclosed installation space of internal circulations deploying recyclable media. FP writer Vanessa Tsai just paid a visit.

Jessica Fu / 哥多華當代美術中心創作紀錄:定睛眼前,凝視過去,觀望宇宙 Documenting C3A Cordoba: site-specific views of the invisible and the potential

Jessica Fu / 哥多華當代美術中心創作紀錄:定睛眼前,凝視過去,觀望宇宙 Documenting C3A Cordoba: site-specific views of the invisible and the potential

完成「據點。句點」第一屆西班牙哥多華C3A駐場藝術家計劃的Jessica Fu回顧一個月的體驗,再次覺悟她我的特定環境裝置作品往往是個引導體,領觀眾超越可見作品的本身朝向為可見的未來,應對數據爆發的時代的無助感。Jessica Fu completed her month-long residency in Cordoba’s C3A, FP’s first edition of artist’s residency at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Cordoba, Spain. She understands her site-specific installations are often visible vehicles that lead their beholder to the unknown visible of the future and, personally, her response to a sense of helplessness living in a milieu of exploding data yet kept esoteric by authorities.

Floating Projects Collective 2025