"1 July 2017 - A Day in Transition" - Open door forum: 《過渡:壹日》 - 討論會
《過渡:壹日》 - 討論會
日期:2018年5月27日(日) | 時間:7:15pm – 9:00pm |. 地點:據點。句點(黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室)
WMA 視像去年舉辦了首個公開徵集短片計劃《過渡:壹日》—— 邀請公眾以「過渡」為題,拍攝2017年7月1日的當下,述說有關香港的故事。
短片製作人Steven DHOEDT、SEEAHOLE (Dave KONG, Kenji MA, Eason YUEN) 和 Stanley TAM 從計劃短片取材,配以新詩、圖像和本地獨立創作的音樂,製作成三組錄像作品。 《過渡:壹日》面對眾多募集而來的素材,製作人如何選取和建構各自的敘述?計劃如何處理那些沒被採納的錄像群?首場討論會邀請「據點。句點」的創辦人黎肖嫻與WMA 計劃總監馮穎君、短片製作人SEEAHOLE對談,探討錄像的媒介可如何介入社會議題。
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Open door forum: "1 July 2017 - A Day in Transition"
Date: 27 May, 2018 (Sun) Time: 7:15pm – 9:00pm Venue: Floating Projects (Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang)
“1 July 2017 - A Day in Transition” is a documentary film project which tells the stories of Hong Kong through the eyes of people who know and care about the city. Starting with video submissions from the public on the theme “Transition” on 1 July 2017, filmmakers Steven DHOEDT, SEEAHOLE (Dave KONG, Kenji MA, Eason Yuen), and Stanley TAM, weaved iconic poetry, graphics & music by local indie artists into three unique moving-image works. When facing all the crowd-sourced materials, how did filmmakers of the “1 July 2017 – A Day in Transition” project make their choices to create a narrative? And how were the unselected clips being handled in this project? Dr. Linda Lai, founder of Floating Project, will lead a discussion with Vivian Fung, the Project Director of WMA and SEEAHOLE, the filmmaker collective, to explore the intervention of the moving image medium into social issues.
Download the program leaflet [here]
Video Screening List 過渡:香港 TRANSITION: HONG KONG / Steven DHOEDT / 2017 / 18’ / color / sound / digital
Loosely based around the 1 July handover celebrations, TRANSITION: HONG KONG is an audio- visual ode to Hong Kong and its people and structured along three works by the late Hong Kong poet Ye Si (LEUNG Ping-Kwan). Through associative editing, the film gives new meaning to the original words and evokes fragments of the city’s not so distant past, present and future.
《過渡:香港》以香港七一主權移交的慶祝片段為經,詩人也斯(原名:梁秉鈞)的家三首為緯,編織一 首映畫與聲音的頌曲;藉此喚起我們對過去、現在、將來的回憶與想望,並向香港以及身處其中的人致敬。

自由港的路線圖Path of Hongkongers / Stanley TAM / 2017 / 11’/ color/sound/digital
Twenty years into this social experiment, from the so-called “Free port” to “One country, Two systems”, change is inevitable. The older generation wants to stay put; the middle generation prefers “Don’t ask, don’t tell”; the younger generation tries to breakthrough the stalemate. Is there any point where their paths would cross, is there a place where all can meet to forge a route afresh? 從自由港落入一言堂的第一天到回歸二十年,轉變難免。上一代想原地踏步;中生代求不聞不問;新一 代要突破盲點,大家應從那一點重新出發,再於各自的線上匯合交流?

稜鏡The Prism / SEEAHOLE (Eason YUEN, Kenji MA, Dave KONG) / 2017 / 15’ / color / sound / digital
The Prism is edited with clips submitted by the public about their 1 July. Divided into seven scenes with seven songs, the scenes in the film were arranged in chronological order from the sleepy market at dawn to the celebratory fireworks at night, populated by the spectrum of emotions of the city's inhabitants - from the quiet labourers, to the jubilant citizens; the apathetic fruit market vendors, to the impassioned protestors. 《稜鏡》匯集了公眾於 2017 年 7 月 1 日(香港特別行政區成立二十周年紀念日)記錄的片段,以七幕和七首歌,呈現香港當日由早至晚的生活日常。鏡頭對準了在果欄默默耕耘的勞動者、熱烈慶祝回歸的民眾,以及積極表達訴求的市民,以他們的視線看二十年間的社會改變。

more on http://wma.hk/programme/film/