
Searching for tag: bernard-stiegler

Yuk HUI / [updated] The Wind Rises: In Memory of Bernard 風起了。懷緬斯蒂格勒。

Yuk HUI / [updated] The Wind Rises: In Memory of Bernard 風起了。懷緬斯蒂格勒。

Sadly, Bernard Stiegler left the world on 5 August 2020. In his last days, “Since 2016, Bernard talked often about dreams, and the necessity of dreaming. Industrial capitalism destroys dreams … through the manipulation of attention. The faculty of dreaming, for him, is the faculty that Kant ignored. Bernard was a dreamer who dreamed the impossible, a fighter who fought against stupidity … All technologies are primarily dreams, but dreams can also become nightmares.” Special thanks to Yuk Hui for letting his memoria for late philosophy Bernard Stiegler be re-posted here.

Floating Projects Collective 2025