
Searching for tag: participation

One kind of Report: FP: what ‘participatory art’ can be 一點個人回顧:「據點」告訴我「參與式藝術」可以是怎樣的?

One kind of Report: FP: what ‘participatory art’ can be 一點個人回顧:「據點」告訴我「參與式藝術」可以是怎樣的?

With the outlook to understand Floating Projects itself as a collective, and to understand other collectives in order to be part of a bigger critical community with art in the core, Linda Lai wrote a personal “interim report” on FP 1.0, 2.0, and projectively FP 3.0. 黎肖嫻寫在據點 3.0 的萌生時刻。已知的,未可知卻可見的,「據點。句點」群體如何朝向更落實的參與式藝術創作?

Floating Projects Collective 2025