
Searching for tag: what-is-animation

Jess Lau / Life as ‘ignis fatuus’: the voyage with Tamas Waliczky from Ancient Egypt to Venice Biennale  現實中的虛幻:Tamas Waliczky 帶我從古埃及到他的威尼斯雙年展

Jess Lau / Life as ‘ignis fatuus’: the voyage with Tamas Waliczky from Ancient Egypt to Venice Biennale 現實中的虛幻:Tamas Waliczky 帶我從古埃及到他的威尼斯雙年展

「據點。句點」成員劉清華與動畫藝術家老師的近距互動,是一生的創作態度的啟發。FPC member Jess Lau’s close encounter with animation professor Tamas Waliczky induces life-long commitment to the question of what it means to be an artist.

Floating Projects Collective 2025