
Author's post:

Olivia Yip / 對《true/本当のこと》(真的) 之感悟 – 生活學習的可能性

Olivia Yip / 對《true/本当のこと》(真的) 之感悟 – 生活學習的可能性

– Yip, Olivia Wai-ka 是夜六月十九,入場前先讀了場刊去閱取最不以為然的了解,謹知道是個以肌肉電感應器貼在表演者身上感應動態而形成的互動劇場就好了,畢竟非常清楚一切只能從現場感受。 由一個黑漆漆的小箱子(小劇院)開始。

Olivia Yip / The Revolving Cultural Imagery of a New China – a response to the Art HK 2010 新中國新意象?對2010 香港國際藝術展的一些想法

Olivia Yip / The Revolving Cultural Imagery of a New China – a response to the Art HK 2010 新中國新意象?對2010 香港國際藝術展的一些想法

– YIP, Olivia Wai-ka The Art HK has often been a chance for a friends’ reunion of mine every year in late May. It was never a bad idea to gather old friends for an art fair like this and dine at a local hotpot-restaurant with beers afterwards. I did not mean to be critical at […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025