FP Assemblage returns in Shek Kip Mei 據點「聚疊+空間壓力測試」再現於石硤尾
據點打開門 Floating Projects Open Door
請隨意加入。歡迎帶一件可現場融入裝置的物品。Please drop by to join and play. Feel free to bring an object of your choice to install into the site.
2022.05.21 (Friday): 7:00 - 10:45pm
2022.05.22-24 (Saturday, Sunday): 2:00 - 8:00pm
2022.06.18/25 2:00pm - Closing performance starts 7:00pm till late
Floating Projects, L3-06D, JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心L-06D 據點現場
基於有即興必先有紀律的信念,以下是可歸納出來的聚疊遊戲的規則: 1. 身處展場,探索一下四周:用你的方法、個性去存在於此。 2. 只能用你能在時限內得到的材料,可以是撿拾得來的,可以是自己帶來的,總之(盡量)不要浪費金錢或資源。 3. 接受同場發生的任何事,並善用它,改變它,也必需接受展出期間的任何後期聚疊。 4. 我們必須獨立行事,也必須合作對話。 | 2022年4月修訂
Are there rules or frameworks one must observe in an Assemblage?
WCH Assemblage (in Wong Chuk Hang), initiated in May 2015, soon proliferated into multiple forms as different FPC members picked up the framework and injected their own temperaments, sentiments and actions, and this soon conjoined in performance formats. Game and playfulness have grown to be prominent features, augmented by sound-making acts with ordinary objects. A few pointers for participants of an Assemblage evolved over the years and could be summarized as follows, on the basis of discipline and respect: 1. Feel your presence on the spot, feel your environment: find your own way to exist here and now, allow your sentiments to unfold and flow. 2. Use only the material obtainable on-site and within the set time frame – it could be gleaned objects, or something you brought with yourself to the event; what’s important is not to spend any money, nor to trash any material. 3. Be alert and accept whatever happens on site, take advantage of it, use it, change it, and be willing to accept the final outcome of the assemblage time. 4. Act independently, dialogue with one another and work together (notes made in April 2022)