據點神秘市集 Floating Projects Secret Market
日期 Date:8 – 9 / 12 / 2018
時間 Time: 13:00 – 20:00
地點 Venue:L306D 據點‧句點 藝術空間
查詢 Enquiry :94471404 (駱先生 / Mr. Lok); contact@floatingprojectscollective.net
12月8-9日JCCAC手作市集,把握人流最多的日子,Floating Projects 會在該兩天舉辦一個「神秘市集」!
'JCCAC Handicraft Fair” will be hold on 15 - 16 September, 2018.
To take the chance of promoting Floating Projects, we will have a "Secret Market" at the same time.
Not only original handicraft works, we could also have "Conceptual" and "Experience" in our market. The Floating Projects Collective will display and sell our non-traditional handcraft art work. Hope to boarded the imagination towards a handcraft market.