cloud and orange (nube y naranja) 雲與橙
cloud and orange (nube y naranja) -
Documentation Exhibition : Floating Projects Artist Residency Program Outbound 2019: C3A, Córdoba (Spain)
雲與橙 -
海外駐留支援計劃 2019 西班牙 哥多華 C3A 匯報展覽 展覽日期 Date : 23/03/2019 (Sat 六) - 07/04/2019(Sun 日) (Close on Mondays | 星期一休息) 駐留藝術家分享 Artist Sharing Session : 30/03/2019 (Sat 六) 4pm - 6pm 地點:據點・句點 Floating Projects 九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D L3-06D , Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) No.30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
參與駐留藝術家 Participating Artist: 傅至雅 Jessica FU 王鎮海 WONG Chun-hoi
兩名由「據點・句點」選出的藝術家傅至雅及王鎮海剛於二月中完成在西班牙 哥多華 Centre for Contemporary Creation of Andalucia (C3A) 為期一個月的合辦駐留計劃。
此展覽將展示他們在駐留期間的工作室內的創作過程及在C3A外牆的巨大顯示屏 (Media Facade)的實驗成果,以及一些在藍天白雲、橙香撲鼻的環境下的創作經驗分享。
Jessica Fu and Wong Chun Hoi have completed a 1-month residency program in Centre for Contemporary Creation of Andalucia (C3A) (Córdoba, Spain).
In this exhibition and sharing session, the two selected artists will showcase their work-in-progress during the stay in C3A open studio session as well as the experiment result on the C3A’s unique Media Facade display wall. They will also talk about the inspiration and accident during their stay on the always blue sky days with orange fragrance around the city.

About the artists

傅至雅 Jessica FU 2015年畢業於美國芝加哥藝術學院(School of the Art Institute of Chicago) 獲頒藝術創作碩士。透過特定空間裝置作品去思考關於無形物質所呈現的隱喻與真實之間的關係。作品曾在加拿大、美國及日本展出。傅於香港知專設計學院(HKDI)擔任兼職導師。 Jessica Fu received her MFA in Fiber and Materials studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2015. She experiments with formlessness material and its metaphor to ask the philosophical question, “What is reality” through site-specific works. Her work has been exhibited and screened in Canada, USA, and Japan. She works as a Part-time Teaching Associate at Hong Kong Design Institute. http://www.jessicafu.info

王鎮海 WONG Chun-hoi 王鎮海畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,為批判性跨媒體實驗室的主修本科生。創作主要涉及聲音和電子零件。2018年獲第二十三屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽「媒體藝術」組金獎。創作以外,亦會提供技術支援予各藝術家,現為「據點・句點」藝術工程師。 WONG Chun-hoi graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, as a major in the Critical Intermedia Laboratory. Focusing on sound and electronics. In 2018, he received the Gold Award in the Media Art category of the 23rd ifva Awards. As the artistic engineer at Floating Projects, he also provides technical support for various artists. http://wongchunhoi9.com
合辦 Co-organized by:Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía
Reference Link: Floating Projects Artist Residency Program [edition 2019] Call for Application 海外駐留支援計劃(2019) 申請募集
Related Reading 相關閱讀:
Jessica Fu: 「哥多華當代美術中心創作紀錄:定睛眼前,凝視過去,觀望宇宙」(6 April 2019)
「據點.句點 海外駐留支援計劃 2019」獲香港特別行政區政府民政事務局藝術發展基金資助。 “Floating Projects Artist Residency Program Outbound | edition 2019” is financially supported by the Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
活動內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見。 The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
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