
Searching for tag: wong-chun-hoi

FP at BOOKED 24: digging treasures from the past, creating tracks for the future 大館書展2024作據點:挖寶、於當下立竿、為前路畫線
WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. One step forward. No Waste | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。多走一步。總有點甚麼。
2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

究竟是什麼原因,一段津津樂道的歷史,一個大家認為具代表性的活動,最後變成了文化遺產? What does improvization look like? Here’s an account of what happened on site at Floating Projects in the evening of 6th of May, by FPC member WONG Fuk-kuen…

WONG Chun-hoi / 勤力電路 #1.0 – #1.4 Hardworking electricity #1.0-#1.4

WONG Chun-hoi / 勤力電路 #1.0 – #1.4 Hardworking electricity #1.0-#1.4

FP Art Engineer Hoi9 (Wong Chun-hoi) reviewed his ever-growing work-in-progress, a generative series that began with turning electricity into artistic raw material. An impulse: undress thickly dressed media art pieces, show the skeleton, open the black box.

WONG Chun-hoi / Concrete wandering in and out of C3A Cordoba: bitter oranges on the roadside 哥多華當代美術中心漫遊紀錄:僅能拾起一個個隨街掉落的橙子

WONG Chun-hoi / Concrete wandering in and out of C3A Cordoba: bitter oranges on the roadside 哥多華當代美術中心漫遊紀錄:僅能拾起一個個隨街掉落的橙子

王鎮海從「據點。句點」第一屆西班牙哥多華C3A駐場藝術家計劃回來,經過分享展出,三個月的經驗沈澱,輕淡的幾個星期的外遊回眷成為另類的藝術家駐場觀察,無拘的接連。「我卻終於淺嘗放慢生活節奏及專心創作的三星期,實在得來不易。」香港。哥多華。香港。FP Art Engineer Wong Chun-hoi has been back in Hong Kong from his C3A artist residency for several months, dropping concrete objects he created in a pop-up exhibition, tracing his footprints as an alien, and now weaving strands of existential moments — an alternative way to “report” on the three weeks he spent in Cordoba. “Alas! I finally got to taste a bit of living slowly and focusing on making. This is nothing to be taken for granted,” he said.

FPC members / Let me see if I can put it in words: between FP 1.0 and FP 2.0 總有一點想法:「據點。句點」1.0 與 2.0 之間
Everlyn Char, Yang Yeung, Eddie Cheung / Distance of Space, Materialized bodily presence: visitors’ notes 訪者絮語:文美桃彼岸之地
FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

《計劃聚集》為「據點。句點」的原生遊戲系列《黃竹坑聚疊》。句點藝術群體會在區內拾遺,不加思索地處理著現成物料,推斷著現成/被棄物的物理性,可衍生的下一步,聚疊遊戲後又衍生即興演出《據點空間壓力測試》系列。是次據點聚疊這空間「變形蟲」外遊來到了台北的非常廟藝文空間。王鎮海作了詳盡的記述。Wong Chun-hoi, FP’s Artistic Engineer, keeps a dense record of the process of staging FP’s Assemblage game in a gallery in Taipei.

YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

[FP EXHIBITION REVIEW] Yeung Yang identifies three sets of dilemma – techno-culture, dumb objects, and the challenge of a solo show – and ponders on the place of affect in Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity.”

Josef Bares / Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity”
Floating Projects Collective 2025