DIALOGUE with artist Takuro Kotaka 有偈傾 – 藝術家小鷹拓郎 “How to occupy your heart”「如何佔領你的心」
DIALOGUE with artist Takuro Kotaka 有偈傾 – 藝術家小鷹拓郎
“How to occupy your heart”「如何佔領你的心」 30.4.2016 (SAT 六) | 3’00 – 5’00pm @ Floating Projects 據點。句點 Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang 黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室
The underground art scene in Tokyo is energetic. Takuro Kotaka, who is now in Hong Kong for a one-month artist residency supported by soundpocket and Art Center Ongoing, would like to introduce the Occupy Movement in Tokyo to Hong Kong audience as an ongoing development of the underground art scene. The National Museum of Art, Okutama (MOAO) located deep in the mountains in Tokyo, is a museum which opens once every two years. It is housed in a disused factory and run by an artist collective. Thus, “Occupy School” is a cultural school hosted occasionally by Keroppy Maeda, a writer who has been writing about body modification. The alternative exhibition by Takuro Kotaka, “IRONMAN”, in which fierce cars were exhibited in front of a department store will also be introduced in this upcoming DIALOGUE.
東京的地下藝術充滿著能量。 藝術家小鷹拓郎正在港開展由聲音掏腰包與合作夥伴Art Center Ongoing 支持為期一個月的藝術駐留生活,並將為大家介紹東京的佔領運動。 「國立奧多摩美術館」 是位於東京深山一所每兩年開放一次的博物館,它的前身為一座空置工廠並由藝術家團體管理;「佔領學校」 是由報導身體改造資訊的作家前田亮一,不定期舉辦之文化學校。 在接下來的《有偈傾》,小鷹拓郎亦會談及他在百貨公司門前展出兇猛汽車的另類展覽「IRONMAN」。
*The event will be conducted in Japanese and instant translation in Cantonese is available. 活動將以日語進行,現場設有即時廣東話翻譯。
organized by 主辦: soundpocket 聲音掏腰包
Supported by 支持機構: Things that can happen 咩事藝術空間 Special thanks to 特別鳴謝: Floating Projects 據點。句點
Artist Biography 藝術家簡歷
Takuro Kotaka, born in 1984, lives and works in Saitama, Japan. He has produced video works and performances based on the documentation and experience during his journey to several parts of the world, including Indonesia and Africa. He films everyday life, but also engages with people through his performances, imaginary narratives and hypotheses. The videos reveal his reflection on topics of cultural communication, otherness, history, and narrative. 小鷹拓郎生於1984,於日本埼玉市定居及工作。他曾透過在世界各地旅行,包括在印尼及非洲的沿途記錄及經驗,從而製作出不同錄像創作及表演。他善於拍攝日常生活,但同時邀請人們參與其演出、想像性論述及假設。小鷹拓郎的錄像作品顯示了他對文化傳播、差異性、歷史、論述等問題的反思。 http://takurokotaka.net/