
Searching for tag: artist-interview

To the Lucid Walkers: How Did I Find My Path?  至「清醒夢人」:我的路是如何走出來的?

To the Lucid Walkers: How Did I Find My Path? 至「清醒夢人」:我的路是如何走出來的?

Linda Lai answered a question that MFA students at the School of Creative Media posed to her... 創意媒體學院的藝術碩士生向老師提問。黎肖嫻回答... ...。

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (2): what should an artists’ Union do? 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(二)- 藝術勞動,工會保障藝術家?

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (2): what should an artists’ Union do? 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(二)- 藝術勞動,工會保障藝術家?

FP writer, Emilie Choi’s analysis continues on the question of art labor in Hong Kong. In part 2 of her report, she asks, “what should an artists’ union do?” 據點成員蔡倩怡進一步思考藝術勞動的光景四年來沒有甚麼變動,且客觀環境越來越嚴峻。她問:「工會該如何保障藝術家?」

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (1): Art Labour, the Value of Being Human 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(一)- 藝術勞動,生而為人的價值

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (1): Art Labour, the Value of Being Human 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(一)- 藝術勞動,生而為人的價值

FP writer, Emilie Choi, former journalist for Ming Pao Weekly’s cultural page, recalls an investigative feature she did four years ago on the question of art labor in Hong Kong, and is dismayed that not much has advanced other than the many growing aggravations in the city. With a new introduction, she puts back in the spotlight realities we may have forgotten. 《「錄像宣言」的延伸閱讀:藝術勞工的景況:做個夜更的藝術家?》在「據點一杯茶」網上發表後,據點成員蔡倩怡不禁記起四年前她還是記者時所做過的專題訪問,驀然發覺時間過去了,藝術勞動的光景沒有甚麼變動,且客觀環境越來越嚴峻。她很想舊事重提,面對現實。這裡是翻新後的發表。

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

A visit to Gwangju Biennale alerted FPC member Lee Kai-chung to the possibilities of doing an artist’s residency in Seoul to study archiving practices for art, which he did and shared upon his return to HK in “Can’t Live Without.” 「這次駐場計劃是基於第一次在光州雙年展後到訪過MMCA作資料搜集的經驗出發的。那時其實並不知道有駐場計劃可以申請,只是純屬對一個藝術館的好奇…」

Floating Projects Collective 2025