「看不見的城市」- 物理痕跡、符號、噪音 Invisible Cities: material traces, symbols, noise
痕跡、符號與噪音 - 交織出我們身處的城市。種種元素散落在城市四周,卻與我們自身感官與記憶密不可分。藝術家透過作品呈現城市中微細的觀察,與觀眾穿梭城市的不同層次,打開我們對於城市的想像。Traces of existences, symbols and noise…., disparate and scattering. Together they form the urban space in which our sensations and memories connect. The artists involved stretch our imagination, taking us into a world of layered perceptions.
📍 地點 location:
Floating Projects, JCCAC L3-06D
⏱️ 時間 time:
2 pm - 8 pm
📆 日期 date:
18/8/2024 - 7/9/2024 (星期一休息 Close on Monday)
🏙️ 開幕 opening:
18/8/2024(SUN) 6:00 P.M.
聯合藝術家 Associate artists
丘穎詩 Chris Yau | IG @chriswingszeyau
鍾詠珊 CHUNG Wing Shan | IG @chungshannnnn
何芳婷 HO Fong Ting | IG @ho.fong_ting
李清美 Melody Qingmei Li | IG @melodyqingmei
王穎琳 Vivian Wing Lam Wong | IG @lum_vivian_
策展人 Curator
鄧一言 Ian Tang | IG @tangyatyinian
場地贊助 Venue Support
Floating Projects | @floatingprojects
平面設計 Graphic Design
麥容嘉 MAK Yung Ka @valeriemak
IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-keFRyvdnK/
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