鄧一言從「看不見的城市」出發,一個起點,五種態度,五種呼吸。 六個創作人展開對香港城市的深度拉闊。In "Invisible Cities," curator Ian Tang gathered 5 artists, resulting in a multitude of attitudes, curiosities, and sentiments... to refresh our attentiveness to the place we live.
***in the form of a spatialized text: see feature image 以空間化的文字標示,見主題圖。***
痕跡、符號與噪音 - 交織出我們身處的城市。種種元素散落在四周,卻與我們自身感官與記憶密不可分。藝術家透過作品呈現城市中微細的觀察,與觀眾穿梭城市的不同層次,打開我們對於城市的想像。
由四月至六月,五場跨媒介藝術工作坊於Floating Projects舉行。導師,參加者與聯合藝術家共同研習不同主題和媒介,以藝術作為切入點,重構我們對於城市的認知,建立屬於自己觀察和理解城市的方法和系統。工作坊涵蓋不同範疇,例如城市觀察,藝術的實驗性,城市空間與音樂,塗鴉以及城市噪音,並以講堂、現場演出、創意練習和城市考察形式與參加者共學探討。
時至八月,五名聯合藝術家將透過作品,呈現他們對於城市的觀察,回應城市的不同面向和狀態。藝術家來自不同背景,在同一空間而不同藝術語言,整合與重組不同微細的發現,並透過創作呈現自身與城市的關係,邀請觀眾共同思考,由下而上定義我們的城市。 (策展人:鄧一言)
Traces, symbols and noise - interweave the city we live in. Various elements are scattered around, but they are inseparable from our own senses and memories. Through their works, the artists present subtle observations in the city, traveling through different levels of the city with the audience, and opening up our imagination of the city.
From April to June, five cross-media art workshops were held at Floating Projects. Instructors, participants and co-artists study different themes and media together, using art as the entry point to reconstruct our understanding of the city and establish our own methods and systems for observing and understanding the city. The workshops cover different areas, such as urban observation, the experimental nature of art, urban space and music, graffiti and urban noise, and were conducted with participants through lectures, live performances, creative exercises and urban inspections.
Starting 18 August, five artists will join together to present their fine observations of our city, each of their works a unique perspective on our urban conditions. They are from different backgrounds, each with their own artistic languages, but come together in the same venue. It would be a game of juxtaposition, integration and strategic spatial organization. Their pieces not only convey their subtle discoveries of our living space, but also express their relationship with the city through artistic creation, inviting the audience to think together and define our city from the bottom up. (curator: Ian Tang)

五種心思,五種慾望 The works: five modes of attentiveness, five ways to interpellate…
王穎琳 Vivian WONG Wing Lam
萬物皆有靈 (2024)
All things wise and wonderful
// Duo-Channel Performance Video Installation
泛靈論主張一草一木、雷電與流水皆有靈魂, 生命及精神活動存在於一切物質之中。城市裡的物質若有靈魂, 他們如何和城市的人和事發生關係, 又如何經歷城市一刻不竭的變化、或者無限輪迴的時間軌跡?
我將人造的設施想像為有生命的物體, 並以身體模仿及設想成這些物件, 用錄像紀錄及擷取在這些物體周圍運行的生命。若然欄杆、燈柱、消防栓見證過城市街道的變遷, 它們也許正悄悄地透過自己的姿態訴說著經歷的一切。

Animism posits that all things, from grass and trees to thunder and flowing water, possess a soul. Life and spiritual activity exist within all physical material. If the objects in the city have souls, how do they interact with the people and events of the city, and how do they experience the city's endless changes or the infinite cycle of time?
I imagine the artificial facilities as living objects, and use my body to mimic and envision them, record and extract the life that circulates around them with moving images. If railings, lamp posts, and hydrants have witnessed the changes in the city streets, perhaps they are quietly conveying their memories and experiences through their postures.
丘穎詩 Chris YAU
無形的敘事 (2017-2024)
Invisible narratives
// Mixed media installation, Photography

Through photography, I capture the hidden stories and invisible world within everyday patterns and labels in Hong Kong. My work explores themes of food logistics and Hong Kong's economic narratives.
The ubiquitous polystyrene boxes on streets are often overlooked, like silent street art. However, these mundane objects hold unique charm in my eyes. I am drawn to the arrangement, placement, and colors of the packing tapes on these boxes. They are cleverly assembled, forming unexpected beauty. Yet, these meticulously curated scenes are ignored by hurried passersby.
I invite the audience to re-examine the world, find beauty in the overlooked, and connect with the invisible narratives that shape our daily lives. Through my work, I aim to draw attention to these forgotten street elements and make people discover the unique beauty in the ordinary.
鍾詠珊 CHUNG Wing Shan
捕鳥器 (2024)
Catch the Birds
// Single-channel Video Installation

Highway soundproof walls are always covered in stickers of birds. The purpose of these stickers is to shield birds from harm or death if they collide with soundproof walls.
As a result, numerous bird stickers can be found adorning the transparent soundproof walls. These birds accompany us during our journeys in vehicles, demonstrating an inability to reconcile with nature within the framework of contemporary society's infrastructure.
李清美 Melody Qingmei LI
休憩處 (2024)
// Mixed media installation

In shadows, gaps, cracks, and land of the abundance or the leftover
I wonder about the distance between you and me, now
And then
何芳婷 HO Fong Ting
身體對話 (2024)
Body Talk
// Interactive Video Installation, Improvising Movement, Painting
作為一個舞者,常常思索着舞蹈與城市的關係。不同於其他藝術形式,舞蹈不能透過別的媒介,例如文字、圖案和語言等呈現 - 彷彿暗示作為一種表演藝術,舞蹈與日常生活帶着一種難以言喻的距離感。但透過以即興舞蹈作為一種語言,對街道上的事物,聲音或視覺元素作出即時回應,一種新的肢體語言隨即建立,我們可以透過舞蹈或形體與城市進行對話。

As a dancer, I often think about the relationship between dance and the city. It is impossible for dance to be expressed through other mediums like words, patterns, or language - as if to imply that dance as a performing art carries an unfathomable distance from daily existence. Through improvisational dance, we can establish a new body language and engage in a dialogue with the city through dance or form, responding instantly to things on the street, to sounds, or to visual elements.
📍 地點 location:Floating Projects, JCCAC L3-06D ⏱️ 時間 time:2 pm - 8pm 📆 日期 date:18/8/2024 - 7/9/2024 (星期一休息 Close on Monday) 🏙️ 開幕 opening: 18/8/2024(SUN) 6:00 P.M.