鄧一言從「看不見的城市」出發,一個起點,五種態度,五種呼吸。 六個創作人展開對香港城市的深度拉闊。In "Invisible Cities," curator Ian Tang gathered 5 artists, resulting in a multitude of attitudes, curiosities, and sentiments... to refresh our attentiveness to the place we live.
FP writer Wai-leung Lai visited group "Mending Years" as sounds from the past collaged to invoke contradicting thoughts about the 1960s and 1970s. Is there a single reading of the past? He starts with Linda Lai's "Domestic Moonlighting," Wong Kar-wai's films and more. 「據點」作者黎偉亮徐步於「縫補歲月」的五人展場中,聲頻片段拼貼湊合的氛圍喚起的是矛盾不一的記憶與論述。到底上世紀六七十年代是怎樣的?真能客觀定斷嗎?先由黎肖嫻的《家居副業》和王家衛等說起。
To fill in the almost unconquerable blank spaces of her grand parents' days through the 1960s-80s, Winsome Wong asked her father to write what he remembers, a precious piece to add to the puzzles of Hong Kong's so-calle “golden age” of manufacturing industries. 為了填補照片和家常對話所留下的空白,黃慧心發現最好的下一步是請當年寫文章了得的父親去紀錄他的父母親的軼事,呈現的不單是她祖母模糊不解的過去,更是香港上世紀六十到八十年代小市民掙扎著活下去的面貌的清晰碎片。
[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Domestic Moonlighting (2023) adapts a work commissioned for the 9th Shanghai Biennale (2012-13). In the current iteration, Linda Lai highlights domestic moonlighting by women and children in HK in the 1960s-80s, estimated to value at postal volume of 57.5 million kg for RMB94.7 million, sent from Hong Kong to China. 《家居副業》(2023)。黎肖嫻的郵政考察顯示出上世紀六十到八十年代期間,香港婦女和小孩的家居副業從香港向中國支援,投遞了約五千七百五十萬公斤的小郵包物資,郵資總值九千四百七十萬人民幣。還有...
*An interactive video archive installed at Floating Projects, 3-19 December 2022. (All videos subtitled in English) *Video Forum, 10 December 2022 (3:30-5:30pm), will feature Kimburley Choi and Fei-pang Wong, hosted by Linda C.H. Lai (conducted in Cantonese).
“And then… and then…” and more … wavering thought paths… Blocked. Light flashes, time passes. During the quarantine… Reach out. Enter 2022 with a peephole of love. The forbidden zone? Accept forgetting as well as remembering… Assembled and edited by Linda Lai「然後 …,然後 …,接著 …,於是 …」被阻擋著。光閃爍著,時間過去了。隔離期間…。伸手接觸。進入2022年,進入窺洞裡的愛情。禁區?接受忘記,同時接受還記起。…《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。
Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。
An Ancient Greek proverb says, “Society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” If immediate profits are all that we care about, the same mainstream-Vs-independent split will repeat itself. 若要擺脫活在西歐和亞洲區的陰影下,就得重注孕育年青新一代本地獨立音樂創作人,現在就得改善土壤,為了不太近的未來。
“Born in the later part of 97, I never got to experience Lai Yuen. For me, it is a place constructed by words and stories. … I would hear bits and pieces about the park and, somehow, it became part of my own childhood, part of my own memory.” (Pun Tsz-wai)「我出生於1997年的下半年,從未經驗過荔園是怎樣的。它是個由別人的字詞和故事合成的地方。一點一滴的聽著,荔園好像就是我自己的童年,是我個人的記憶。」– 潘子懷
“Motives for. Remembering,” the 2nd book launch conversation for Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulses took place on-line 28 May. The conversations continue as Natalie Chao wrote to Linda Lai after her postscript with Zach McLane, this time, delving into how our body remembers and why manifesto-writing will not be obsolete. … 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 — 網絡研討會『為何要記住』5月28日在據點舉行。繼 Zach McLane 傳來研討後記,另一位年青影像創作人趙芷妮又透過電郵與黎肖嫻進行跟進討論,想起身體如何記住,為何還要寫宣言。